Line-of-Sight Newsletter 18 June 2024

The landslide that disaThe National Institute of Building Sciences’ Brains & Bytes Digital Twin AI Workshop series has provided a variety of ways asset owners can make their building information and their personal property information work together to improve mission outcomes. This week on ALN Th@3 pm ET we will highlight those repeatable successes and showcase the details of making HVAC Digital Twins.  We will work with building Digital Twins to finally leverage the Internet of Things in a useful manner. See more in People below and register for this Thursday 20 June at 3 pm ET at this link.

For those who say the ALN focuses too heavily on buildings, this program continues our stance that we are focused on all asset categories…it just helps people to orient where their personal property is if they see those assets in the context of the building. We advocate melting down organizational silos, and nothing melts organizational silos like secure, open standards that allow information about all asset categories to be handled in similar manners.

After this week’s program, ALN Th@3 is taking a summer vacation until July. The ALN Line-of-Sight Newsletter will continue to be published every Tuesday morning and we will let you know when ALN Th@3 pm ET is live again.

quality evaluations
ABS Quality Evaluations can help you minimize risk, improve operational efficiency and maximize the value of your operations and assets, with management system certification, auditing and training.


Anto Budiardjo is CEO of He is a Mentor, and a Digital Twin and Cybersecurity Evangelist. Most importantly, he promotes a repeatable business process to dramatically improve controls of HVAC systems and equipment using web-based processes and Digital Twins. Those processes dovetail directly with the processes ALN Member Organizations ONUMA, Inc. and CDV Systems have showcased with the National Institute of Building Sciences’ Brains & Bytes Digital Twin AI Workshop series. That workshop series is continuing on ALN Th@3 pm ET this June 20 at 3 pm ET.  Register at this link and see the results of Mr. Budiardjo’s presentation at RealComm earlier in the week.


Palm Beach County
The Palm Beach County Water Utilities Department was ISO 55001 certified in 2021. We tried to connect with them but were not able to. However, the paper about their journey, which started in 2016, is still a clear and concise 8-page document that showcases benefits and addresses challenges that managers of all assets will find useful. We are preparing a paper on U.S. State Water Asset Management conditions with IAM-USA and were reminded what a great story Palm Beach County Water has to share and wanted to let you know about it. See the paper at this link. (If anyone knows at Palm Beach County, please connect us.)


Enjoy Summer
Asset Leadership Network supporters are passionate people who work a LOT. We are recommending a planned absence from work to enjoy your summer. Maybe hang out in National Park Assets or just enjoy not working at your own home. A break does us all good and refreshes us to come back with renewed energy to attack those persistent Asset Management problems that never go away.

If you are part of an ALN Member Organization, please send information about your upcoming speaking engagements to