Happy Thanksgiving to all of our U.S. audience. We also happily give thanks to all of our international readers. We are truly grateful to be providing a steady measure of the growth in asset management awareness in the U.S. and around the world. Your input through presentations, contributions, and observation helps us shape the stories we select, the types of content we share, and the direction our message of Asset Leadership takes.
To that end, we would like your input on the ways we shape content distribution in 2025. Let us know if you think the ALN Line-of-Sight Newsletter should be monthly instead of weekly. Or do you like weekly messages? Should ALN Th@3 pm ET have regular themes, such as a round table discussion every third Thursday? Should ALN Th@3 pm ET be at a different time? What topics do you want to see addressed? Transportation, leadership skills, software, training, legislation – is there anything in particular you want to see? Feel free to send any and all ideas to Jim Dieter, ALN CEO and Chair; Mike Bordenaro, Executive Director; or Nick Knoke, Director, Technology at:
CGI Federal Inc., a wholly owned U.S. operating subsidiary of CGI Inc., is dedicated to partnering with federal agencies to provide solutions for defense, civilian, healthcare, justice, intelligence, and international affairs missions.
ALN Founders
In this Thanksgiving issue, we want to say we are very thankful for Jim Dieter leading the U.S. Technical Advisory Group to the creation of the ISO 55000 management system for asset management. We are even happier that he and other U.S. TAG members established the Asset Leadership Network. Thank you to Robert Kaehler, Rich Culbertson, Marlene Millemaci, Bob Smith, Scott Pepperman, Wes Carter, Tom Smith, and all the many others who helped establish the Asset Leadership Network or where there from the earliest days.
Smithsonian Thanksgiving Article
Back in 2019, Smithsonian Magazine published an article on the history of Thanksgiving. It addresses many myths and corrects some perspectives on the U.S. National Holiday. One thing that remains true is that President Abraham Lincoln officially established Thanksgiving to promote unity during the Civil War. Unity is always good to promote, but at this time, it is especially important to remember that the U.S. survived a Civil War. In addition to being grateful for the many who “gave their last full measure of devotion” to democracy, we must remember to act so “that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth.”
NAS Message
In the wake of the U.S. election, National Academies of Science President Marcia McNutt has authored an editorial in Science stressing the apolitical nature of science and emphasizing that science, although not the only consideration, remains vital to informing public policy. Rebuilding public trust in science in an era of political divisiveness is critical. (Asset Management is non-partisan human behavior science.)
If you are part of an ALN Member Organization, please send information about your upcoming speaking engagements to info@AssetLeadership.net.