Big actions often create big results. However, sometimes small initiatives ramp up to become very large. This week, one of those seemingly small initiatives was announced by the Linux Foundation at the ASHRAE winter conference. The Linux Foundation will acquire the Coalition for Smarter Buildings (C4SB). The non-profit C4SB will now become a Foundation and will provide the “umbrella” code and processes for Linux operating systems to connect to assets in real estate and buildings. The ALN and some organizational members are listed as supporters in the announcement. We are honored to be a supporter of what is seen as a game changing event for Asset Management. See more in People and Sources below.

CGI Federal Inc., a wholly owned U.S. operating subsidiary of CGI Inc., is dedicated to partnering with federal agencies to provide solutions for defense, civilian, healthcare, justice, intelligence, and international affairs missions.
Shane Peden, Managing Director, Information Assurance Services, Technology, Aprio, LLP, a member of the Aprio Advisory Group, LLC will join Kahua’s Nicholas Johnson in outlining the requirements and solutions to the DOD’s Cybersecurity Maturity Model Certification (CMMC) requirements, which are ramping up this year. Mr. Peden has almost 20 years of information management, risk management, cybersecurity experience and has a wealth of knowledge about the CMMC requirements and how to meet them in many ways, including partnering with organizations, such as Kahua, which has embedded ways of meeting more than half of the requirements for new projects involving its project management software. Learn about CMMC requirements and how to meet them by registering at this link.
The DoD’s Cybersecurity Maturity Model Certification (CMMC) requirements basically outline Asset Management practices for sensitive, unclassified information. The requirements closely follow existing cybersecurity standards like NIST SP 800-171, which is for non-federal organizations. The CMMC requirements are for companies doing business as DoD contactors or subcontractors. There are various maturity levels ranging from basis to advance threat protection depending on the sensitivity of the information being handled.
We Want…
…your ideas. Participate in the Asset Leadership Community by providing links to articles, legislation – federal, state, or local – papers, videos, and other content that you feel adds to the creation of strong leadership that understands the principles of true Asset Management based on having a clear mission, involving all relevant parties, establishing clear measurements, using proper information management, and…possibly the most important element of Asset Management – dedication to continuous improvement. Send Ideas to Jim Dieter, ALN Chair and CEO or Mike Bordenaro, ALN Executive Director, And thank you in advance.
Upcoming Events
March 20 – Jim Dieter, ALN Chair and CEO, will preview the ALN Book Club Discussion of “Nexus: A Brief History of Information Networks from the Stone Age to AI” by Yuval Noah Harari.
March 25 – ALN Book Club – First Discussion
Because the human evolution of tools and processes grows increasingly complex, information management becomes a critical element of Asset Management. A policy requiring the use of secure, open standards can allow information from all categories of assets to flow to top leadership and others for confident decision making. Once a policy is in place, a Strategic Asset Management Plan establishes the overarching direction for many elements of operation and then specific Asset Management Plans establish the desired use of tools and processes for each asset category. However, more fully understanding information networks is good to do before establishing policy. Therefore, the first ALN Book Club will read “Nexus: A Brief History of Information Networks from the Stone Age to AI.” The three sections of the book by Yuval Noah Harari will be discussed on the last Tuesday of February, March, and April at 3 pm Eastern. Jim Dieter, ALN Chair and CEO will lead the discussions. Mr. Dieter says the book provides important new ways to think about information, networks, documents, bureaucracy, and more issues that are extremely relevant for asset leadership and asset management. See more details about signing up for the ALN Book Club discussions and the importance of the book at this link.