“Nexus” by Harari, ALN Book Club Preview – ALN Th@3

Jim Dieter, ALN Chair and CEO will lead discussions on “Nexus: A Brief History of Information Networks from the Stone Age to AI” by Yuval Noah Harari. Mr. Dieter says the book provides important new ways to think about information, networks, documents, bureaucracy, and more issues that are extremely relevant for asset leadership and asset management.

Join us here
Tuesday 25 March
at 3pm Eastern:

Because the human evolution of tools and processes grows increasingly complex, information management becomes a critical element of Asset Management.

A policy requiring the use of secure, open standards can allow information from all categories of assets to flow to top leadership and others for confident decision making. Once a policy is in place, a Strategic Asset Management Plan establishes the overarching direction for many elements of operation and then specific Asset Management Plans establish the desired use of tools and processes for each asset category.

However, more fully understanding information networks is good to do before establishing policy. Therefore, the first ALN Book Club reads “Nexus: A Brief History of Information Networks from the Stone Age to AI” by Yuval Noah Harari.