GAO Report on Asset Management is Publicly Available
November 5, 2018
Senators Claire McCaskill and Tom Carper requested the U.S. Government Accountability Office study the potential value of the ISO 55000 management system for asset management on the federal government. The GAO report is now public and recommends that the Office of Management and Budget take a closer look at supporting systematic asset management.
The report is titled, “Federal Real Property Asset Management: Agencies Could Benefit from Additional Information on Leading Practices.” The Asset Leadership Network supports this sentiment and continues to actively bring meaningful asset management information to federal agencies.
The study includes the statement, “Experts and practitioners we interviewed most often cited the ISO 55000 standards as a useful resource that provided a solid foundation for an asset management framework and could inform federal agencies’ asset management efforts.”
The publication of the report is a significant step forward in the process of helping the U.S. Federal Government achieve significant benefits from improved asset management.
Please see more of the study by clicking on The GAO Study or Highlights.
And please register for the 5th Asset Leadership Week, November 13 – 16, 2018 where we are honored to facilitate presentations and discussions from numerous federal agencies that are implementing ISO 55000 and are taking other steps to dramatically improve their asset management. Register at the Events tab of this website.