Equity Through Innovative Asset Management
Thank you to those of you who attended the “Equity through Innovative Asset Management” program. Our Keynote speaker Governor Martin O’Malley provided exceptional leadership insights, verbal case studies and poignant anecdotes from his time as Mayor of Baltimore and Governor of Maryland.
He emphasized the ability of technology to greatly enhance understanding of inequity and the ability to show the path to equity.
Tim Luzano, Advanced Analytics Manager, Grant Thornton Public Sector, provided a very clear demonstration of what the Governor described.
Cecilia Mowatt, Esq., A55K, President, Strategies In Site, provided an precise and concise overview of the ALN Advancing Equity with Asset Leadership Position Paper, which closely aligns with the Governor’s content.
Jim Dieter, ALN CEO, guided a robust discussion that went 10 minutes past the top of the hour.