A week of Asset Leadership Network activities in Washington DC started last night at the National Academies’ Transportation Research Board Asset Management Committee reception.
The ALN was honored to be the guest of Earl Jackson, CFO, Denver City and County, Transportation & Infrastructure Department. Mr. Jackson leveraged ALN Executive Briefings to have his team create an Asset Management Policy and a Strategic Asset Management Plan. More about these documents will be shared later this year.

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This week, we are excited for the January 10th event cohosted with the National Academies’ Federal Facility Council. Special thanks are due to Cameron Oskvig, Director, National Academies’ Federal Facility Council, for his long-term understanding of the importance of asset management and his recognition of the importance of this event, which feature presentations on multiple U.S. Government Accountability Office reports, the National Academies’ “Strategies to Renew Federal Facilities,” and repeatable success stories from 5 federal agencies.
There are already more than 160 registrations for this hybrid event – more than 40 will be in-person – weather permitting. There is more space available in person, and unlimited online availability. Register here and see a detailed agenda at this link.
On January 11th, the ALN has meetings with federal agency executives and multiple legislative staffs. If we understand correctly, a U.S. Senator would like to meet with us to address international asset management. But we would be not surprised if we end up meeting with staff – which is also fine. We are just happy to see that the interest in federal asset management has grown on Capitol Hill since we first started attending meetings there in 2016!
From our talks with the National Academies’ Transportation Research Board Asset Management Committee, we understand that the MAP-21 requirements for an asset management plan to receive transit funds is being considered for highway bills. We have advocated for all funding legislation to have language similar to what is in MAP-21 and are happy to learn the idea is taking hold.
That is all for this special edition of the ALN Line-of-Sight newsletter, but you can register at this link and see a detailed agenda at this link.
Interested in 2023 ALN Organizational Membership? Contact info@AssetLeadership.net.