Infrastructure Issue
Save the dates:
- March 8 – 3 pm Eastern – The City of Greater Geelong, Australia Asset Leadership Success Story with new ALN Organizational Member Assetic – part of the Dude Software company. This Success Story sets the stage for what is possible in the U.S. that will be discussed in the ALN Winter Summit
- March 15 – 16 ALN Winter Summit – Sustainable Value Creation from Infrastructure Asset Leadership – Web programs in the afternoon Eastern time – contact to learn about participating in a Panel, Roundtable or other programs

Richard Culbertson is a resident of Pittsburgh, an ALN Senior Fellow and a member of the ALN Board of Directors. Mr. Culbertson will be talking about the collapse of the Pittsburgh bridge, which is near his daughter’s house. She and her husband walked in the ravine under the bridge on a regular basis. Mr. Culbertson’s very personal perspective on infrastructure failure in the U.S. will include his forward leaning perspective on internal controls and how a structured approach to asset management can assist in the coming U.S. infrastructure improvements. Register at this link.
The ALN Roundtable for January 2022 focused on “How can Asset Leadership Influence Infrastructure Spending?” It is available at this link. In the program, Amelia Shachoy discusses the role of the U.S. GAO in the infrastructure act; Peter Dodgion talks about the $7.2 billion the USACE will receive; David Totman, ALN Senior Fellow and ASCE representative to ISO 55000 addresses the $800 million allocated for drinking water infrastructure improvements; Mildred Chua-Ulger, ALN Board of Directors Member and ALN Senior Fellow provides perspective from her 34 years at the NYC MTA, and more views are provided. See the recorded program at this link.
The American Public Works Association is the nation’s largest organization of public works professionals. Ashay Prabhu, President of Assetic, an ALN Organizational Member, shared a post by the APWA calling for members to urge Congress to take the Bipartisan Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act out of the “continuing resolution” mode, which funds activities at the level of the previous year, and fully fund the Act in 2022. The ALN is not asking anyone to take action, but please be aware that there is still work to be done to ensure the bi-partisan IIJA has the impact intended by Congress.
Grant Thornton Advisory Services: Bold ideas for breakthrough business strategies
Upcoming Events
Every Thursday at 3pm Eastern
February 3
Richard Culbertson, ALN Board of Directors Member and ALN Senior Fellow
ALN A55K Professional Certification Training Course
Starts February 7th 2022
From the Andrew James Advisory Group, this 2-week, web-based training course prepares students in all aspects of ISO 55000, 55001, and 55002 in order to pass a 50-question web test from the ALN. For more information go to:
Value and Benefits from Asset Leadership web program
February 16 at 3pm Eastern
The City of Greater Geelong, Australia Success Story
March 8
Sustainable Value Creation from Infrastructure Asset Leadership
March 15 & 16