ALN A55K Professional Certification Training is available in Spanish. See more below in Ideas.
ALN Th@ pm ET this week will feature Kimon Onuma, President, ONUMA, Inc. discussing his BIMStorm digital approach to asset management. See more below in People.

Kimon Onuma, President, ONUMA, Inc., an ALN Patron Member, will discuss the California BIMin’, the Summer 2022 BIMStorm that will feature the Los Angeles Community College and others who use a web-based Building Information Modeling approach to asset management. This “digital twin” approach to asset management captures planning decisions and information in cloud databases to be used throughout the life of a project – and all the assets in it. Mr. Onuma has led award-winning public BIMStorms since 2007 and has used the same processes for clients for almost 30 years. Learn what owners need to know to get started on digital twin approach to asset management.
Prepare for Changing Energy Demands
ABS Quality Evaluation and parent company ABS Group provide a Clean Energy Transition and Risk Management Toolkit that includes information on ISO 55000, Cybersecurity, and information on solar and wind power. Organizations looking to meeting increasing energy needs in a rapidly changing world can access papers, webinars, articles and more at this link.
Speak the Same Asset Management Language
Ensure your Asset Management Policies and Strategies are fully understood for Tactical and Operational implementation by having your entire team trained in asset management with the same course. Teams with Spanish-speaking staff can still speak the same asset management language when everyone receives the same training.
ALN A55K Training in Spanish Available
Training classes and certification in ISO 55000/1/2 are now available in Spanish. Provided by the Andrew James Advisory Group’s partner organization Ortiz-Ruiz Consultores, the training is given in an online format and taught by experienced trainer Daniel Ortiz. The classes give students a solid grounding in the requirements of the ISO 55000 Asset Management standard, and qualify them to sit for the ALN A55K individual certification exam. Contact or for more information.
ALN Entrenamiento A55K, disponible en Español.
Nos complace anunciar que el entrenamiento en ISO 55000/1/2 y la certificación en ALN A55K están disponibles en idioma Español. Andrew James Advisory Group, en asociación con Ortiz Ruiz Consultores, amplía su programa de formación en gestión de activos, ahora en idioma Español y en formato “en línea”. Las clases serán impartidas por Daniel Ortiz Plata, entrenador experimentado y calificado ALN A55K. El programa brinda a los estudiantes una base sólida en los requisitos de la norma ISO 55001 y sus normas hermanas ISO 55000 e ISO 55002, y los califican para presentar el examen de certificación personal ALN A55K. Para más información, por favor comunicarse a los siguientes correos: o
ABS Quality Evaluations: Global Leader in Certified Performance
Upcoming Events
LIVE Here Every Thursday at 3pm Eastern
April 7
Kimon Onuma, President, ONUMA, Inc.
April 21
Jack Kelly, ALN Board of Directors, ALN Senior Fellow, and Yvonne Carney, Strategic Performance Director, WSSC Water
Value and Benefits from Asset Management
April 12 at 3 pm Eastern
With the Australian Asset Management Council
ALN Roundtable: People Are Not Assets
April 25 at 6pm Eastern
It is common for organizational leaders to say, “Our people are our most important assets.” While well-meaning, assets are things – tangible and intangible. The contributions of people are the intangible assets that are being referred to in the misguided phrase above. The patents, copyrights, and other intellectual property of people are assets, not the people themselves.
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