ALN Th@4 on January 14 will feature David Totman, Vice President, Asset Management with Innovyze and American Society of Civil Engineers’ Utility Engineering & Surveying Institute representative to US TAG TC251. See Mr. Totman’s 2020 Forum 8-minute presentation from the Water and Wastewater panel at this link. Register for ALN Th@4 at this link and see more below.
An ALN A55K Professional Certification web course from the Andrew James Advisory Group will run from February 8 – 19, 2021 for those looking to fulfill resolutions about professional development and improving their organization. Learn more at this link.
David Totman has a Masters in Civil and Geological Engineering and has held senior positions at public utilities, ESRI and consulting companies, such as Innovyze, where he is currently Vice President Asset Management. He is also an Advisory Board Member of Design Thinking at University of California Riverside Extension Professional Studies. With his perspective as the ASCE/UESI representative to the U.S. Technical Advisory Group to ISO 55000, he will provide many insights at the ALN Th@4 program on January 14. Register at this link.
Care for Stakeholders and Prevent Leadership Civil Suits
If ensuring your stakeholders don’t die isn’t enough incentive to adopt best asset management practices, public leaders might also avoid civil suits by following the ISO 55K structure. Former Michigan government officials are being sued for what can be seen as asset management and asset leadership failure. However, many water districts, and utilities of all kinds, around the U.S. have similar risk management issues. The idea is to adopt asset leadership best practices that can prevent wrongful deaths and leadership law suits. This is a link to the Detroit News story on how public leaders are being sued related to the Flint, Michigan water scandal.
USACE Civil Works
Asset Leadership
USACE Civil Works has been following the development and use of ISO 55K longer than any U.S. Federal Agency. What the organization is doing to align the management of its many, diverse assets can be a foundational source for others. Peter Dodgian, Asset Management Program Manager, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Civil Works, told the ALN what his organization is doing to address its many issues with a single Strategic Asset Management Plan based on ISO 55K. A video of his 17-minute discussion is at this link.
Upcoming Events
ALN Th@4 Schedule – Thursdays at 4 pm Eastern – Register Here
January 21 –
David Totman
January 28 –
Amelia Shachoy
February 4 –
Bill Garret
February 11 –
Grant Thornton
February 18 –
Amber Propert
February 25 –
Jennifer Tursi