The second week of the 2021 ALN reStructuring America – Building on Success web conference was rich with clear understanding and actionable value realization opportunities. Below in Sources is a takeaway from each event with links to full recordings and ALN Highlight videos, such as this excellent highlight from Meighan Altwies, from Serco, on how she knows an organization has a good leader.
Ideas provides suggestions on what to watch for from this week’s speakers.
People focuses on Mary Adams, whose company, Smarter-Companies, is a new member of ALN. Ms. Adams is guiding an interactive meeting on benefits available from a multi-capital business approach to measuring value from assets on Wednesday 27 October.
The U.S. Department of State determined they would safely reach more executives if their presentations on Wednesday 10 November are web-only.
Mary Adams has been featured in People previously. Today she is featured because of the special program she is helping facilitate with leaders from the Licensing Executives Society. This Wednesday 27 October at 3 pm Eastern, Ms. Adams will start the Value from Intangible Assets and the 6 Capitals web meeting with an interactive workshop to explain how much value organizations gain from non-tangible assets. It is significant. Ms. Adams has conducted this workshop many times and believes it clarifies understanding of the complex issue of measuring multiple capital values. Her workshop activity will be followed by a panel discussion and open discussion. Because of the interactive nature of this program, it will be a web meeting – not a webinar. Please sign up for this first-of-its-kind event for the ALN at this link.
It is an honor have so many high-quality presentations that are sources of insight and inspiration at this time of great need and upcoming opportunity with planned infrastructure improvements. Here is just a sampling of the content delivered last week:
Richard Dietz explained how DC Government is gaining measurable benefits from their structured approach to asset management, which was assisted by the Andrew James Advisory Group training for ALN A55K Professional Certification by key staff, including himself. Alex Barenblitt explained LMI’s approach to asset management training and why they had more than 40 people earn the A55K Cert. Jim Dieter and Lindsay Zeigler explained how the A55K program works. Highlights and the entire program is at this link.
The Asset Leadership Roundtable included Ms. Altwies’ highlight from above and LCE’s Jesse Rothkopf highlight on the value of asset management policy is at this link. Kimon Onuma and Mildred Chua-Ulger also provided insights on the need for top leadership involvement in creation and implementation of a Strategic Asset Management Plan. The entire program is at this link. The ALN Transportation / Transit Asset Leadership Board held a lively discussion that included Mildred Chua-Ulger explaining the use of Asset Management Requirements in MAP-21 and Kimon Onuma providing an overview of advanced asset management tools and processes. The entire program is at this link.
ALN Español featured Carlos Eduardo Albarici from Brazilian energy provider ENEL providing an in-depth, Spanish-language presentation on ISO 55001 certification benefits in conjunction with an ABS Quality Evaluation overview on certification processes. That was followed by AES’s Jorge Mores explaining why 4 electrical utilities in Caribbean, South American and Central American are ISO 55001 certified. These were both excellent presentations that can inspire U.S. electric utilities to follow their lead. ABS Group provided an overview of the ISO 55001 certification process that Jack Kelly called, “the best explanation of the value of certification that I have seen.” Cecilia Mowatt, Esq. President, Strategies In Site, facilitated both programs. A highlight from Ms. Mowatt and both presentation are at this link.
The responses to the 2021 ALN reStructuring America – Building on Success web conference has been overwhelming positive. Just like an in-person conference, there is too much content to attend them all, but try to check out one of the programs this week.
Tuesday 26 October 2 pm Eastern – USAF Asset Leadership Update
Wednesday 27 October 2 pm Eastern – ALN Healthcare Asset Leadership Board and Panel
Wednesday 27 October 3 pm Eastern – Value from Intangible Assets and the 6 Capitals
Thursday 28 October 2 pm Eastern – Federal Law Enforcement Panel
Register here for one, or all, of the programs.
ABS Group provides data-driven risk and reliability solutions and technical services that help our clients confirm the safety, integrity, quality and environmental efficiency of their critical assets and operations.
Upcoming Events
Today, Tuesday, October 19th
9 am Eastern – ALN Patron Member Kimon Onuma is making a web presentation to the U.K. organization u3a, which helps retired professionals keep involved through volunteer activities. This is a focus on facilities professional volunteers. To join the Zoom Meeting:
Meeting ID: 835 5774 6960
Passcode: 903864
3 pm Eastern – Advancing Asset Management with Training and Certification
2021 ALN reStructuring America – Building on Success
October 11 – November 12
Stay tuned for the final schedule with registration links for more than 25 programs ranging from reports from federal executives to industry sector panels, to open panel discussions, to our highly popular ALN Th@4 pm ET web chat program. Registration and information at this link.
Community College Facilities Association
November 3 – 5
Featuring ALN Patron Member ONUMA, Inc. –
Value and Benefits from Asset Management
November 9 at 5pm Eastern
The ALN and Australia’s Asset Management Council continue our co-hosted web program series. Case studies will be used to give organizational executives confidence to start their asset management journey.