Ken Burgess, Executive Director, Assets and Logistics, Office of the Chief Readiness Support Officer, Department of Homeland Security has confirmed he will provide a keynote on Wednesday 13 October at 1 pm Eastern for the free, all-web 2020 Asset Leadership Forum – reStructuring America. Also confirmed are Karen Lopez, Chief, Asset Management, Federal Bureau of Investigation; Amber Propert, Property Accountability Specialist at the U.S. Department of Defense; Dr. Douglas Goetz, President and CEO, GP Consulting and others. See agenda details and register at this link.
ALN Th@4 – this Thursday 24 September at 4 pm Eastern will feature Keith Cunningham, Assistant Director, Infrastructure with the U.S. Government Accountability Office chatting with Jack Dempsey, ALN Senior Fellow. Register here.

Dr. Douglas Goetz is well established as the guru of Government Property. For decades he has been at the vanguard of government acquisition practice and education. He still teaches at the Defense Acquisition University in Dayton, Ohio. The Asset Leadership Network is honored he will be speaking in the free “Government Assets reConsidered” web event on Thursday 8 October 10:30 am Eastern. Register here.
Intangible Property
Richard Culbertson, ALN Senior Fellow and Board Member, recommends a Reuters article on intangible property as a path to understanding how – and why – to use ISO 55000 to manage this highly valuable asset type that represents 85% of the value of S&P 500 companies. “They get it,” Culbertson says of the Singaporean authors and article subjects.
Fall 2020
Hill Watch
Bloomberg Government has published its free Fall 2020 Hill Watch, which provides insights on policy and legislation being addressed by the U.S. Federal Government in the coming weeks. Bill status is included.