Newsletter 20 June 2023

Mike Santos has been the asset manager for the U.S. activities in Antarctica. He has been the asset manager for the Denver International Airport. He will be presenting at the AMC – ALN co-facilitated Value and Benefits of Asset Management web program on Wednesday 28 June at 6 pm Eastern. And he will be the guest of this week’s ALN Th@3 pm ET web discussion program. Learn more below in People. Register at these links: ALN Th@3 pm ET and Value and Benefits from Asset Management. Ja...

Newsletter 13 June 2023

ALN Executive Briefings will be officially launched in this week’s ALN Th@3 - Organizational Members will be part of customized presentations on asset management issues to leaders of government organizations, institutions, and private companies. In-person or on the web, ALN Executive Briefings help the leaders of organizations understand what is possible so they can set their course. See more below in Ideas. Register at this link. Jacobs: Challenging today.Reinventing tomorrow. ...

ALN AiBrainStorms

Artificial Intelligence and Digital Twins  Asset Management Governance ONUMA, Inc., other ALN Member Organizations, other associations, and the ALN are building on 15 years of collaboration to offer ALN AiBrainStorms. Participants will learn how to use Artificial Intelligence and Digital Twins governed with Asset Management to bring dramatic improvements to organizational mission success. Join us for fr...

Newsletter 6 June 2023

School is ending for traditional students, but continuing education students are getting more opportunities to improve their Asset Leadership skills. We are happy to be increasing our educational offerings with special association partnership web programs, innovative combination events, and a look at water asset management in Australia from Tacoma and Jennifer Zach of MentorAPM and Uberlytics in this week’s ALN Th@3 pm ET. See more below and register at this link. Jacobs: Challen...

Determining the Value Realisation in a Transport Organisation

From the team that brings the:“Value and Benefits from Asset Management” Webinar SeriesAn International Web Program Series of Asset Management Success Stories Your local time:AEST - Sydney time: Thursday 29th June 8am - 9am AESTEST - Washington, D.C.time: Wednesday 28th June 6pm - 8pm EST John Hardwick. John is the Executive Director of the Asset Management Branch at Transport for NSW and is responsible for leading and enabling transport service outcomes for customers and communit...

Special 2-part Web Program / Steve Wyton – ALN Th@3 pm ET / Harvesting BIM to Build Informed Environments

Special 2-part Web Program:Steve Wyton, Manager, Asset Management Planning, Calgary Kimon Onuma, President, ONUMA, and Cyril Verley, President, CDV Systems In this special 2-part web program we have our typical ALN Th@3 pm ET discussion with Steve Wyton, Manager, Asset Management Planning, The City of Calgary. This is a new role for Steve in Calgary's expanded asset management approach. In the second par...

Ai Storms

Ai Storms Artificial Intelligence Digital Twins Asset Management Governance Co-Facilitated by the Asset Leadership Network and ALN Platinum Member ONUMA, Inc. Industry-focusedOnline Brainstorms Free and Publicly-availableInteractive Workshops Industry leaders learn what is possible. Know how to specify and implement tools and processes. Improve mission outcomes. AIstorms showcase proven technology tools and related business processes with industry...