Lindsay Ziegler, is President, Andrew James Advisory Group, and the recently appointed Chair of the U.S. Technical Advisory Group to the ISO Technical Committee 251 for asset management.
Ms. Ziegler highlights the ALN A55K Professional Certification course in November and its focus on linear infrastructure assets with a case study and students developing a sample Strategic Asset Management Plan. She also updates us on the many issues involved in getting ISO 55000 documents ready for reissue...
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Physical Asset Management and Financial Reporting for Federal Agency Leaders
View the pdf
CGI and the ALN are pleased to co-publish a White Paper on the critical connection between federal financial reporting and asset management. Titled "The Vital Connection: Physical Asset Management and Financial Reporting for Federal Agency Leaders," the paper helps federal executives understand the benefits gained from aligning asset management reporting and financial reporting. It seems obvious, but there is a challenge to accounting for all the financial implications...
Newsletter 19 September 2023
It’s mid-September and we really all should be back at school – or at least considering our continual education asset management. This week’s Th@3 pm ET web discussion program gives us a chance to do a little of that as Lindsay Ziegler will talk about developments with the ISO 55000 standard series and what’s in store for the next ALN A55K Professional Certification training course. See more below in People and register at this link.
The Andrew James Advisory Group is holding ALN...
Christina Benty – ALN Th@3
As Mayor of Golden, British Columbia, Christina Benty led the management of all assets in the municipality.
Committed to helping leaders have a better understanding of how asset management addresses seemingly intractable problems, Ms. Benty provides training, education, and inspirational presentations on what can be achieved with asset management.
Newsletter 12 September 2023
We are honored to have Christina Benty as our guest on ALN Th@3 pm ET this week. Having been an elected official, she has a clear understanding of governments as asset owners. As the owner of a private company, Strategic Leadership Solutions, a new ALN Sole Practitioner Member, she is making leadership education about asset management her mission. Register at this link and see more below in People and Upcoming Event.
The Andrew James Advisory Group is holding ALN A55K Professiona...
Daniel Platz UN Special Presentation – ALN Th@3
United Nations Senior Economic Affairs Officer
UN Handbook on Sustainable Development
Newsletter 5 September 2023
Daniel Platz, the United Nations’ asset management leader was not able to participate in ALN Th@3 pm ET, but he will make his presentation this Thursday at 3 pm Eastern in a 1-hour, interactive program. Register at this link and see the infrastructure papers he has helped write below in People.
Definitive Logic is a management and technology consulting firm known for delivering outcomes and ROI for agencies' most complex business challenges.
Linda Newton UN Special Presentation – ALN Th@3
UN Department of Social and Economic Affairs
UN Handbook on Sustainable Development
Newsletter 29 August 2023
This week’s ALN Th@3 pm ET will continue the special presentation on the United Nations’ approach to helping establish a culture of asset management in an entire country, region, or city. The 1-hour program will include interactive discussion that continues what was started last week. We hope to learn more about the United Nations Asset Management Brain Trust that was mentioned last week. See more below in People and Upcoming Events.
Definitive Logic is a management and tech...
UN Discussions – ALN Th@3
Linda Newton, UN Department of Social and Economic Affairs
Daniel Platz, Economic Affairs Officer, UN Department of Social and Economic Affairs