ALN Newsletter 4 May 2021

This week’s ALN Th@4 pm ET May 6th feature a chat with Chris Lyles, WAPA Vice President of Asset Planning and Management, and Mike Bordenaro, ALN Director, Communication. Daniel Ortiz, ALN Senior Fellow, will present a webinar titled, “How does Maintenance add Value to the Company?” in a Spanish-language webinar at the 23rd International Congress on Maintenance and Asset Management on May 26th. See more in Upcoming Events below. People Chris Lyles was an Asset Manag...

ALN Newsletter 27 April 2021

This week’s ALN Th@4pm ET April 29th will feature an open discussion with Mike Bordenaro, ALN Director, Communication. Eric Brown had to cancel, but his profile is still below. Contact to suggest your topic for the open discussion. Jim Dieter, ALN CEO, was a guest on the Asset Champion podcast hosted by Mike Petrusky and talked about a holistic approach to asset management. The podcast can be found at this link. People Eric B...

ALN Newsletter 20 April 2021

The Cal-Poly Pomona College of Business Administration and NPMA (National Property Managers Association) is providing a free, online Property & Asset Management Symposium today Tuesday, April 20th from 1 pm - 5:30 pm Eastern. See more details in Upcoming Events. This week’s ALN Th@4pm ET April 22nd will feature Dominic Townsend, President, ABS Quality Evaluations and ALN Board Member in a chat with Jim Dieter, ALN CEO. Register at this link and, as usual, se...

ALN 2021 National Issues Series

ALN engages the executive function of organizations to initiate and enhance a management systems approach to increase asset value to stakeholders. This was demonstrated to executives of the U.S. Federal Government and contractors in the ALN 2021 National Issues Series. Program recordings are available at this link. Starting with established U.S. evaluations by the U.S. Government Accountability Office and the American Society of Civil Engineers, the ALN then followed with commentary a...

ALN Newsletter 6 April 2021

The ALN 2021 National Issues web program will continue today, April 6 at 4 pm with the Advancing Equity with Asset Leadership in 2021 featuring ALN Board Member Jennifer Zach, CMO, Uberlytics, Cecilia Mowatt, Esq. See more below in Sources and register at this link. This week’s ALN Th@4 pm ET April 8th will feature Bill Brodt, NASA Experimental Facility Engineer in a chat with Mike Bordenaro, ALN Director, Communications. Register at this link and, as usual, see more below in the People sect...

ALN Newsletter 23 March 2021

The ALN will facilitate a web panel discussion today at 4 pm on the American Society of Civil Engineer’s 2021 Report Card for America’s Infrastructure that was released this month. Leaders from the ASCE will be on an interactive web panel. See more below in Upcoming Events. Register at this link. This week’s ALN Th@4 pm ET March 25th, will feature Mildred Chua-Ulger, recently retired as Director and Program Executive, Enterprise Information and Asset Management, New York City Metro...

ALN Newsletter 16 March 2021

The ALN will facilitate a web panel discussion March 16th at 4 pm on the U.S. GAO 2021 High Risk Report that will be discussed in the upcoming webinar series. See more below in Upcoming Events. Register at this link. This week’s ALN Th@4 pm ET March 18th, will feature Dr. Doug Goetz, President and CEO, GP Consulting in a chat with Jim Dieter, ALN CEO. Register at this link and, as usual, see more below in the People section. Last week the ALN Newsletter mistakenly stated that U.S. infrast...

ALN Newsletter 9 March 2021

The ALN will facilitate a web panel discussion March 16th at 4 pm on the U.S. GAO 2021 High Risk Report Card that was released last week. See more below in Upcoming Events. Register at this link. For this week's ALN Th@4 pm ET March 11th, Cecilia Mowatt, President, Strategies In Site, Inc., an ALN Member Organization. Register at this link and, as usual, see more below in the People section. Ms. Mowatt suggested that we also feature Julieanna Richardson today in Ideas. ...

ALN Newsletter 2 March 2021

For this week's ALN Th@4 pm ET March 4, Bill Franklin, NPMA President, will be speaking with Jim Dieter, ALN, CEO. Register at this link and, as usual, see more below. Last week’s Spanish-language ALN Español webinar on the value of professional certification to the ISO 55000 series of standards was highly successful. The recording is available at this link. Please share with spanish-speaking colleagues. People ...