GAO Report on Asset Management Published

government website
The Government Accountability Office was asked by Senators Claire McCaskill and Tom Carper to study the potential impact of the ISO 55000 management system for asset management on the U.S. Federal Government. The report was published November 5, 2018 and is titled "Federal Real Property Asset Management: Agencies Could Benefit from Additional Information on Leading Practices."   The GAO report recommends that the Office of Management and Budget take a closer look at supporting sys...

ALN offers A55K Professional Certification

Asset Leadership Network
The Asset Leadership Network now offers A55K Professional Certification to prepare individuals to effectively participate in an organization's establishment and implementation of an ISO 55000 program. Organizations that have implemented ISO 55000 have found as much as 20 - 30 % improvement in the management of their assets. Andrew James Advisory Group, is the first ALN organizational member approved to provide a training course that prepares candidates to be tested on the use and implement...

2019 Initiatives

The Asset Leadership Network is excited to build on a highly successful 2018. Last year saw meaningful industry developments, including the landmark release of a GAO study on asset management, a dynamic 5th Asset Leadership Week and the launch of our A55K Professional Certification. With support from new ALN member Grant Thornton, we are continuing critical work on the National Asset Leadership Strategy introduced in the U.S. Capitol Visitors Center. We are facilitating short webinars on popul...

Webinar Establishes How to Make an Asset Management Road Map

The Asset Leadership Network and member organization 4tell Solutions provided a Road Map Webinar that was recorded and can be seen: The recorded webinar addresses the recent White Paper on High Performance Organizations and ISO 55000. Jim Kavanagh, Chairman of 4tell Solutions, summed up the webinar by saying, “We are all working toward the same goal and that is optimizing the performance of as...