Jack Dempsey – ALN Th@3

Jack Dempsey – ALN Th@3
Jack Dempsey, Director, Definitive Logic; Member, National Academy of Sciences Board on Infrastructure and the Constructed Environment; ALN Board of Directors Member, ALN Senior Fellow. https://youtu.be/CIiFNUhlDuk https://youtu.be/amnT9Sgx8xE https://youtu.be/BgUSXQfPkKk https://youtu.be/L1uywnhJp2Y

ALN Newsletter 23 August 2022

ALN Newsletter 23 August 2022
The New York Academy of Sciences’ “Infrastructure Architecture Framework” is the opening presentation on Friday 16 September A Culture of Value – Sustainable Infrastructure. Jerry Hultin, New York Academy of Sciences, Board of Governors Chair, will provide opening comments for the presentation. See more about the Former Under Secretary of the Navy below in People and Ideas. Register for...

ALN Newsletter 16 August 2022

ALN Newsletter 16 August 2022
“Effective Altruism” is the focus of Time magazine’s cover story for the issue dated Aug. 22 / Aug. 29. See more below in Ideas. A structured approach to asset management is so highly effective, maybe it can’t be seen as altruistic. Maybe it just makes good sense. With many executives in government, institutions and private business sharing their successes so others can repeat their positive ...

ALN Newsletter 9 August 2022

ALN Newsletter 9 August 2022
The likely passage of the Inflation Reduction Act places increases emphasis on federal asset leadership and asset management prior to the ALN’s A Culture of Value – Power from Associations on Friday 16 September at the National Academy of Sciences, 2101 Constitution Avenue, NW. Contribute to the discussions on how to best create value for the Nation. A block of rooms is available on Thurs...

ALN Newsletter 2 August 2022

ALN Newsletter 2 August 2022
Special Event Issue A Culture of Value – Power from Associations will be held on Friday 16 September at the National Academy of Sciences’ historic building, 2101 Constitution Avenue, NW. The Bipartisan Infrastructure Law will have the highest positive impact when the efforts of professional associations, trade associations, and their members promote asset management best practices so infrastru...

ALN Newsletter 26 July 2022

ALN Newsletter 26 July 2022
Earl Jackson, CFO, Denver City and County Transportation and Infrastructure will be a featured speaker at the in-person event on Friday 16 September at the National Academy of Sciences’ historic building, 2100 Constitution Avenue, NW. “A Culture Asset Leadership – Power from Associations” will also include success stories from the DoD, Australian government, the water industry, and more. Register...

ALN Newsletter 19 July 2022

ALN Newsletter 19 July 2022
New ALN Organizational Member Mott McDonald will be presenting on the New York Academy of Sciences’ “Infrastructure Architecture Framework” that the organization sponsored. (See more below in Sources.) The in-person presentation will be on Friday 16 September at the National Academy of Sciences’ historic building, 2100 Constitution Avenue, NW. “A Culture Asset Leadership – Power from Associations...

ALN Newsletter 12 July 2022

ALN Newsletter 12 July 2022
Things are shaping up for “A Culture Asset Leadership – Power from Associations”- an in-person event Friday 16 September from 8 – 4 pm at the National Academy of Sciences’ historic building, 2100 Constitution Avenue, NW. We have invited the New York Academy of Sciences to present its “Infrastructure Architect Framework” to help owners of civil infrastructure systems design and manage complex asse...