Line-of-Sight Newsletter 23 January 2024

Line-of-Sight Newsletter 23 January 2024
2024 continues with more insightful programs, including the NIBS AI Program “Watch Party and Discussion” for this weeks’ innovative ALN Th@3 PM ET (see more in People). Also, next week’s Value and Benefits from Asset Management” featuring MentorAPM’s client, the aboriginal community of Pormpuraaw, Cape York, Australia will be our first look at asset management in First Nations communities (see mo...

ALN Line-of-Sight Newsletter Special Edition

ALN Line-of-Sight Newsletter Special Edition
Below is another Special Edition of ALN Line-of-site that reports on the powerful ways events from last week will positively impact 2024 and the next 10 years of the ALN. But first, we are happy to point to another episode in the Value and Benefits from Asset Management web series co-hosted with Australia’s Asset Management Council. See details about the Water-focused asset management web prog...

ALN Line-of-Sight Newsletter Special Events Edition

ALN Line-of-Sight Newsletter Special Events Edition
A week of Asset Leadership Network activities in Washington DC started last night at the National Academies’ Transportation Research Board Asset Management Committee reception.  The ALN was honored to be the guest of Earl Jackson, CFO, Denver City and County, Transportation & Infrastructure Department. Mr. Jackson leveraged ALN Executive Briefings to have his team create an Asset Mana...

Newsletter 2 January 2023

Newsletter 2 January 2023
Happy New Year everyone! The new calendar year always gives us a chance to look forward and make plans for creating better outcomes in the next 12 months. These often come in the form of hokey resolutions that often don’t amount to anything. However, asset management is very much a measurement activity, so we are using this special issue of the ALN Line-of-Site newsletter to list some of wh...

Newsletter 19 December 2023

Newsletter 19 December 2023
This is the time of the year when uplifting sentiments, food, and gifts are offered to tide us over to the start of another trip around the Sun. But in many significant ways, things aren’t that uplifting. But we do find something a little renewing in the thought that a leadership approach to asset management can address key problems all governments face. As a bi-partisan, non-denominational ap...

Newsletter 12 December 2023

Newsletter 12 December 2023
Today’s ALN Line of Sight newsletter is being written from the CGI Momentum Day event at the Arlington, Virginia Renaissance Capitol View hotel conference center. The event is focused on success stories in federal budgeting, financial, and acquisitions requirements that advance financial stewardship. There are excellent presentations on AI in financial management, financial data as a strategic...