Parks and Recreation Asset Management and UN Sustainability Goals

Parks and Recreation Asset Management and UN Sustainability Goals

Your local time:
AEST – Sydney time: Thursday 23 May 8am – 9am AEST
EST – Washington,D.C. time: Wednesday 22 May 6pm – 8pm EST

The presentations will be followed by a Discussion Panel with Chris Silkie, Ben Hayden, Sally Nugent, Mike Bordenaro and Peter Kohler to answer your questions!

Chris Silkie is Asset Management Program Manager for the City of Portland, Oregon, Parks and Recreation. He has a Masters Degree in Public Policy/Public Administration and a Masters in Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering. He has worked for the U.S. Department of State, the U.S. Coast Guard, and elsewhere. At the City of Portland, Chris was influential in writing and having City Council approval of an Asset Management Policy that is so inclusive, it also can be read as an Equity Policy. Chris’ approach to Parks and Recreation asset management has resulted in parks in lower income areas receiving an equitable amount of attention compared to all other areas.


Ben Hayden, is Executive General Manager, Asset Management for Gladstone Ports Corporation, which has an extensive amount of parks and recreation assets and natural assets. Ben has a Masters of Engineering, Power Generation and an MBA, Technology Development. Ben has served as Head of Asset Standards for AGL Energy and was General Manager, Callide Power Station for CS Energy. He was Manager of Asset Management and Maintenance at NRG Gladstone Operating Services where he provided strategic leadership and implementation for asset management systems and processes. Ben brings a wealth of leadership and asset management experience to the program.

United Nations Managing Infrastructure Assets for Sustainable Development

United Nations Managing Infrastructure Assets for Sustainable Development

Asset Management Council & Asset Leadership Network

AEST – Sydney time: Thursday 21 February 8 am – 9 am AEST
EST – Washington, D.C, Wednesday 20 January 6 pm – 7 pm EST

Asset Management Supports Global Prosperity: The Value and Benefits of Asset Management International Web Series will discuss how asset management supports the United Nations’ 17 Sustainable Development Goals.

Asset Management and Sustainability Goals in the Water Industry

Asset Management and Sustainability Goals in the Water Industry

Value and Benefits from Asset Management – Webinar 11

An International Web Program Series of Asset Management Success Stories
by Asset Management Council & Asset Leadership Network to showcase how asset management contributes to local and international sustainability – one organization at time.

AEST – Sydney time: Thursday 1 February 8 am – 9 am AEST
EST – Washington, D.C, Wednesday 31 January 4 pm – 5 pm EST

Amanda Lewry is the General Manager, Sustainable Infrastructure at South Australia Water.

Ms. Lewry has been at SA Water for almost 4 years and has established a measurable asset management approach to sustainability in a way that is repeatable in Australia and around the world. She has been Executive Manager Asset Management at GHD Australia and Asia Pacific Director, PwC, and General Manager, Asset Manager at ICON Water. She has a Bachelor of Engineering and a Master of Business and Technology. Ms. Lewry brings a wealth of knowledge and experience to SA Water and will provide practical, actionable information on water and sustainability.

Jessica Dzara, is Director of Operations & Maintenance Programs, Loudoun Water, in Loudon County, Virginia, just outside Washington, D.C. She has been in her position for almost 6 years after becoming a Certified Property Management Professional through the National Property Management Association, where she was an Executive Board Member for more than 8 years.

Ms. Dzara was with Sunflower Systems, an asset management software company, for 12 years. At Loudoun Water, Ms. Dzara is responsible for 1,431 miles of water mains and 47,400 valves,
in addition to other assets, including facilities. She has spearheaded the asset management initiatives since they were formally introduced in 2018 and was the driver of the Loudoun Water 2020 – 2024 Asset Management Plan. Ms. Dzara will be reporting on the success of that plan and the future of asset management at Loudoun Water.

Asset Management Supports Global Prosperity: The Value and Benefits of Asset Management International Web Series will discuss how asset management supports the United Nations’ 17 Sustainable Development Goals.

The presentations will be followed by a Discussion Panel with Amanda Lewry, Edward Natiera, Tacoma Zach, Alex Ung, Sally Nugent, Mike Bordenaro and Peter Kohler to address your questions!

ALN Airport Asset Leadership Board

ALN Airport Asset Leadership Board

Welcome Members!

Featuring Board Co-Chairs Jennifer Mims, Director, Asset Management, Jacobs, and Bryan Oldham, Senior Director, Asset Management, Denver International Airport

Keynote & Panel Discussion – ALN Th@3 pm ET
Thursday 9 November 2023

Leadership Collaboration to Assist Airport Asset Management Success: A Best Practices Panel Discussion

An opening Keynote by Phillip A. Washington, CEO, Denver International Airport will precede a panel discussion program on the need for leaders on multiple levels to be included and empowered to achieve asset management goals. Bryan Oldham starts the discussion by showing an organizational chart with the entities the Denver International Airport Asset Management team has to interact with to provide a full operational success within the 53-square miles of “DEN” – the second largest land mass airport in the world. Michael Wood, Manager, Facility Assets, Allegheny County Airport Authority will speak on the asset management journey of Pittsburgh International Airport.

Jennifer Mims will help facilitate a panel discussion among airport asset management leaders who will share the successes – and challenges – they have faced while addressing the complex issue of airport leadership collaboration.

Phillip A. Washington, CEO, Denver International Airport

Phillip A. Washington, CEO, Denver International Airport

Digital Transformation: The Art of the Possible
Thursday 25 April 2024

Airports have been at the forefront of digitalization for decades. They are now transforming their asset management processes with advanced, web-based digitalization. Learn repeatable processes from Airport Industry leaders in this special, hour-long ALN Th@3 pm ET panel discussion program with audience interaction.

Mr. Oldham and Ms. Mims will discuss the leadership direction that can help airports function at their highest level of efficiency and effectiveness and how asset management is core to airport success. They will also address the required collaboration across multiple divisions in multiple organizations that will be the topic of the first ALN Airport Asset Leadership Board program.

Board Co-Chairs:

Bryan Oldham, Senior Director, Denver International Airport

Jennifer Mims, Director, Asset Management, Jacobs

“Lessons Learned from Asset Management Certification”

“Lessons Learned from Asset Management Certification”

Value and Benefits from Asset Management program 10

An International Web Program Series of Asset Management Success Stories
by Asset Management Council & Asset Leadership Network to showcase how asset management contributes to local and international sustainability – one organization at time.

AEST – Sydney time: Thursday 25 October 8 am – 9 am AEST
EST – Washington, D.C, Wednesday 25 October 5 pm – 6 pm EST

Dominic Townsend
President, ABS Quality Evaluations
Asset Leadership Network Board of Directors Member

Dominic Townsend is President of ABS Quality Evaluations, where he has worked since 2010. ABS Quality Evaluations is the management systems certification subsidiary of ABS Group. He has been in the certification industry since 1990. He has a B.S. in Accounting from Rutgers University and is a Certified Public Accountant designate from the State of New Jersey. He is a Director of Independent International Organization for Certification. He previously served as a member of the Board for the International Accreditation of Accredited Registrars (IAAR). He is also an Asset Leadership Network Board Member.

Dave Daines
Director, World Partners in Asset Management
Past Chair and Director of the Asset Management Council

Dave Daines is an Asset Management professional with extensive experience in all aspects of Asset Management within the Resource Industry. He has extensive experience in the Mining Industry, fulfilling numerous roles and functions at senior levels within a major resource company. As Head of Asset Management, he developed and implemented an Asset Management Strategic plan for the organization. He is Chair of MB-019, the Australian Mirror Committee to ISO 55000 Standards Australia. He now consults in the field of Asset Management and is a Lead Auditor for Bureau Veritas.

Determining the Value Realisation in a Transport Organisation

Determining the Value Realisation in a Transport Organisation

From the team that brings the:
“Value and Benefits from Asset Management” Webinar Series
An International Web Program Series of Asset Management Success Stories

Your local time:
AEST – Sydney time: Thursday 29th June 8am – 9am AEST
EST – Washington, D.C.time: Wednesday 28th June 6pm – 8pm EST

John Hardwick. John is the Executive Director of the Asset Management Branch at Transport for NSW and is responsible for leading and enabling transport service outcomes for customers and communities through effective whole of life asset management.

Christian Christodolou. Christian is the Director of Engineering at Transport for NSW and accountable for leading and managing the strategic engineering framework across all modes of transport and providing executive leadership and direction in relation to network standards, professional competence and operational assets across the life cycle.

Mike Santos is currently KBR Program Manager, deploying ISO 55001 certified, next generation asset management software on U.S. Federal Government contract. Mr. Santos has been the asset manager for the U.S. Antarctic Program through Raytheon, and was the Denver International Airport Asset Management.

The presentations will be followed by a Discussion Panel (John Hardwick, Christian Christodolou, Mike Santos, Mike Bordenaro and Peter Kohler) to answer your questions!

Special 2-part Web Program / Steve Wyton – ALN Th@3 pm ET / Harvesting BIM to Build Informed Environments

Special 2-part Web Program / Steve Wyton – ALN Th@3 pm ET / Harvesting BIM to Build Informed Environments

Special 2-part Web Program:
Steve Wyton, Manager, Asset Management Planning, Calgary
Kimon Onuma, President, ONUMA, and Cyril Verley, President, CDV Systems

In this special 2-part web program we have our typical ALN Th@3 pm ET discussion with Steve Wyton, Manager, Asset Management Planning, The City of Calgary. This is a new role for Steve in Calgary’s expanded asset management approach.

In the second part of the program ALN Organizational Members Onuma Inc. and CDV Systems showcase their combined capabilities to deliver dramatically improved building information to owners. Their approach addresses many of the issues that Calgary wants to resolve.

Kimon Onuma and Cyril Verley show how CDV System, Collectus, Revit and ONUMA System was used in BIMStorm Ai to program the requirements, create a BIM Execution Plan, deliver BIM and data back for the facility lifecycle and digital twins.

Want to learn more?

Improving Port Outcomes

Improving Port Outcomes

How AI and Digital Twins Governed by Asset Management Transform Industries

Thursday 17 August 2023 at 3pm Eastern

A Ports Industry web workshop will demonstrate how ANY industry can leverage asset management governance to manage transformative AI and Digital Twin technologies.

The ALN Ports Asset Leadership Board is facilitating a series of workshops culminating in a public demonstration on Thursday 17 August 2023 3 pm Eastern.

ALN Platinum Member ONUMA, Inc. and ALN Organizational Member Trent Port Services, will lead workshop participants in understanding how to use Asset Management Governance to guide the powerful combination of Artificial Intelligence and Digital Twins to demonstrate dramatic improvement to outcomes at private and government Ports.

Don’t be afraid of Artificial Intelligence – harness its powerful capabilities.

ALN Organizational Members can participate in the workshops. Contact ALN Executive Director Mike Bordenaro at for membership information.