2021 National Asset Leadership Strategy

2021 National Asset Leadership Strategy

It became obvious that in order gain benefits from a proven, international asset management structure, the U.S. would need a template National Asset Leadership Strategy for legislators and agency executives to adapt in support of their goals and mission success. With the strong support of ALN Organizational Member Grant Thornton, the ALN published a document and presented it to the Biden-Harris Transition Team, just as it presented asset management recommendations to the Trump-Pence Transition Team in 2016.

Learn how the 2021 National Asset Leadership Strategy can allow all relevant stakeholders to participate in resolving asset management problems.

Panelists include:

  • Jim Dieter, ALN CEO
  • Moshe Nelson, Principal, Grant Thornton
  • Ed Safdie, Director Grant Thornton
  • Jon Schneider, Manager at Grant Thornton Public Sector
  • Jack Kelly, ALN Board of Directors Member, and formerly with Office of Management and Budget for 36 years

This production is sponsored by the Andrew James Advisory Group.
AJAG provides training in the ISO 55000 standard.

Bill Brodt – ALN Th@4 ET

Bill Brodt – ALN Th@4 ET

  • Chats with industry leaders
  • Interactive presentations from innovators
  • Timely panels
  • and other informative formats

Every Thursday at 4 pm Eastern we will put a light on important and relevant asset leadership and asset management topics.

The flexible format will feature thought leaders and influencers from around the world. The programs will address pending legislation, review asset management disasters, chats with leaders and provide interactive presentations from innovative achievers.

Advancing Equity with Asset Leadership in 2021

Advancing Equity with Asset Leadership in 2021

In 2020, the ALN prepared the Advancing Equity with Asset Leadership position paper to highlight the value of ISO 55001 4.2 – identifying relevant stakeholders and learning their requirements – and the other places stakeholders are mentioned. While it sounds simple, it is very complex to involve all relevant stakeholders. But President Biden started his Administration by signing the “Executive Order on Advancing Racial Equity and Support for Underserved Communities Through the Federal Government.” It calls for the White House Domestic Policy Council and the Office of Management and Budget to consider pilot programs and suggest best practices. Consider reading these documents and joining a discussion on how to assist the U.S. Federal Government achieve this mission. 

  • Jennifer Zach, ALN Board Member, CMO, Uberlytics – An ALN Organizational Member
  • Cecilia Mowatt, Esq., A55K, President, Strategies In Site – An ALN Organizational Member
  • Malak Bahrami, Asset Manager/ TCO at Fairfax County Park Authority

This production is sponsored by the Andrew James Advisory Group.
AJAG provides training in the ISO 55000 standard.

Michael Hardy – ALN Th@4 ET

Michael Hardy – ALN Th@4 ET

  • Chats with industry leaders
  • Interactive presentations from innovators
  • Timely panels
  • and other informative formats

Every Thursday at 4 pm Eastern we will put a light on important and relevant asset leadership and asset management topics.

The flexible format will feature thought leaders and influencers from around the world. The programs will address pending legislation, review asset management disasters, chats with leaders and provide interactive presentations from innovative achievers.

ALN Senior Fellows 2021 Paths to Success

ALN Senior Fellows 2021 Paths to Success

The ALN Senior Fellow Program was established to provide industry-specific experts a platform for presenting best practices that can be repeated by others in their field – and can be adapted by leaders in other fields.

Learn what ALN Senior Fellows think of the GAO High Risk Report, the ASCE Infrastructure Report Card and how their initiatives can improve issues highlighted in these reports.

ALN Senior Fellow presenters include:

  • Tacoma Zach, President, Uberlytics, an ALN Organizational Member
  • Jack Kelly, ALN Board of Directors Member and formerly with OMB for 36 years
  • Marty Rowland, Primary author of an ASTM Standard on Municipal Asset Management
  • Art Kurland, University Health System, San Antonio, Director of Asset Management and ALN Senior Fellow
  • Mike Aimone, ALN Senior Fellow

This production is sponsored by the Andrew James Advisory Group.
AJAG provides training in the ISO 55000 standard.

Mildred Chua Ulger – ALN Th@4 ET

Mildred Chua Ulger – ALN Th@4 ET

Mildred Chua-Ulger was with New York City Metropolitan Transit Authority for 34 years before retiring in January 2021. She was CFO of MTA Tunnels and Bridges before becoming Director and Program Executive, Enterprise Information and Asset Management, where she led an organizational transformation, much of which she based on ISO 55000.

  • Chats with industry leaders
  • Interactive presentations from innovators
  • Timely panels
  • and other informative formats

Every Thursday at 4 pm Eastern we will put a light on important and relevant asset leadership and asset management topics.

The flexible format will feature thought leaders and influencers from around the world. The programs will address pending legislation, review asset management disasters, chats with leaders and provide interactive presentations from innovative achievers.

ASCE 2021 Report Card for America’s Infrastructure

ASCE 2021 Report Card for America’s Infrastructure

Every 4 years since 2001 the ASCE has issued an Infrastructure Report Card on the state U.S. infrastructure assets. It’s first Report was issued in 1998. This year, experts graded 17 infrastructure asset categories individually and generated an overall U.S. Infrastructure grade. The overall grade improved to a “C-”. Learn why some categories improved, while others did not. And learn why the ASCE sees how improved asset management can contribute to the U.S. continuing to raise the grade.

  • Anna Denecke, Director, Infrastructure Initiatives, American Society of Civil Engineers
  • Caroline Sevier, Director, Government Relations, ASCE
  • David Totman, American Society of Civil Engineers representative as a Voting Member of the US Technical Advisory Group to ISO Technical Committee 251 responsible for the ISO 55000 standard on Asset Management and Vice President, Asset Manager with Innovyze

This production is sponsored by the Andrew James Advisory Group.
AJAG provides training in the ISO 55000 standard.

Dr. Doug Goetz – ALN Th@4 ET

Dr. Doug Goetz – ALN Th@4 ET

  • Chats with industry leaders
  • Interactive presentations from innovators
  • Timely panels
  • and other informative formats

Every Thursday at 4 pm Eastern we will put a light on important and relevant asset leadership and asset management topics.

The flexible format will feature thought leaders and influencers from around the world. The programs will address pending legislation, review asset management disasters, chats with leaders and provide interactive presentations from innovative achievers.

U.S. GAO High Risk List

U.S. GAO High Risk List

Every 2 years for decades, the GAO has issued a High Risk List — those federal programs that are at highest risk of fraud, waste, abuse, or mismanagement.  Federal asset management has been on that list for 18 years in the form of federal real property management. It’s still on the list this year, but it is not a broken record.  This year, GAO removed one of the four areas from the list while another area regressed a little.  What improved?  What worsened?  What does it all mean for asset management?   

  • Keith Cunningham, U.S. GAO Assistant Director, Infrastructure
  • Amelia Shachoy, U.S. GAO Assistant Director, Infrastructure
  • Colleen Taylor, U.S. GAO Senior Analyst

This production is sponsored by the Andrew James Advisory Group.
AJAG provides training in the ISO 55000 standard.

Cecilia Mowatt – ALN Th@4 ET

Cecilia Mowatt – ALN Th@4 ET

  • Chats with industry leaders
  • Interactive presentations from innovators
  • Timely panels
  • and other informative formats

Every Thursday at 4 pm Eastern we will put a light on important and relevant asset leadership and asset management topics.

The flexible format will feature thought leaders and influencers from around the world. The programs will address pending legislation, review asset management disasters, chats with leaders and provide interactive presentations from innovative achievers.