Microgrid Asset Leadership Roundtable

Speakers: Dr. Dorothy Robyn, Senior Fellow at the Boston University Institute for Sustainable Energy; National Academy of Sciences Board on Infrastructure and the Constructed Environment, Board MemberDr. Tony McGrail, IEEE Asset Management Committee ChairJon Arnup, CEO Trent Port Services, Singapore, an ALN Member OrganizationMoshe Nelson, ALN Senior Fellow, Principal, Grant Thornton Public Sector, an ALN Member Organization https://youtu.be/c-FjP12cAA4

ALN 2022 Spring Summit: Value and Benefits from Asset Management – Electric Utilities

Bonneville Power Administration and Energy Australia present case studies of their asset management successes, challenges, and lessons learned. Speakers: Glenn Schumacher, Head of Engineering, Energy AustraliaStacy Webster-Wharton, Acting Asset Manager, Bonneville Power AdministrationPeter Kohler, Director of the Asset Management College, AustraliaSally Nugent, Managing Director at Salyent Pty Ltd https://youtu.be/oVem9KqcajQ

Four Questions that Transformed Municipal Asset Management

Melissa Osborne discusses the tremendous success of Windsor, Ontario’s asset management initiatives, in this next installment of the Municipal Asset Leadership Web Series. Melissa Osborne is currently Director, Development Services, Amherstburg, Ontario, Canada, but was recently Senior Manager, Asset Management for Windsor, Ontario, Canada. Ashay Prabhu, Founder and Managing Director of Assetic (a Brightly Company) https://youtu.be/hRlqEDoHfGo https://youtu.be/sO98nN3Yc_U http...

Dharmen Dhaliah – ALN Th@3

Dharmen Dhaliah, Asset Management Author and Senior Manager, Climate Change and Asset Manager, City of Halton Hills, Ontario, Canada, joins us this week to discuss his previous work with Toronto's asset management, his books, his approach to asset management training and more. https://youtu.be/iZu3pou4ydY https://youtu.be/UWgumFjI3_Q

A Global Discussion on Value in Asset Management

Part of the Value and Benefits of Asset Management web series with our Australian colleagues Peter Kohler and Sally Nugent of AM Reflections, this web program is a discussion on why value matters and how to address value in terms of asset management. Joining Mr. Kohler and Ms. Nugent will be the ALN’s Jack Kelly and Mike Bordenaro. https://youtu.be/ckK4W3GCswQ https://youtu.be/Od5R7nxJAmM

Peter Kohler – ALN Th@3

Peter Kohler, Director of The Asset Management College, joins ALN Th@3 pm ET this week to focus on why the co-hosted web series matters and why next week’s A Global Discussion on Value from Asset Management is so important at this juncture in the evolution of asset management around the world. https://youtu.be/89iGtOnUfBM https://youtu.be/bwQbFislz-4

Jack Kelly and Yvonne Carney – ALN Th@3

Jack Kelly, ALN Board of Directors, ALN Senior Fellow, and Yvonne Carney, Strategic Performance Director, WSSC Water; Both are members of the TC 251 Work Group and Members of US TAG Mirror Committee 3, Communications, which Ms. Carney leads. They discuss an extensive communication plan for the US TAG, which is launching its own website for the first time. Full Event https://youtu.be/6_HHmkNZzS4 Website Demo https://youtu.be/5zpJTpoKOD0 Commercials https://youtu.be...

Kimon Onuma – ALN Th@3

Kimon Onuma, President, ONUMA, Inc., an ALN Patron Member, discusses the California BIMin’, the Summer 2022 BIMStorm that will feature the Los Angeles Community College District and others who use a web-based Building Information Modeling approach to asset management. This “digital twin” approach to asset management captures planning decisions and information in cloud databases to be used throughout the life of a project – and all the assets in it. Mr. Onuma has led award-winning public BIMStor...