Live from the National Institute of Building Sciences 2024 Building Innovation 50th Anniversary Conference – ALN Th@3

Stephen Hagan FAIAPresident | CEO @ Hagan Technologies LLC Russ ManningSenior Vice President, International Code Council (ICC) Calvin Kam, bSI Fellow, FAIA, PhD, PE, CCBM, LEED AP The 50th Anniversary of the National Institute of Building Sciences was celebrated at the May 2024 NIBS Building Innovations annual conference. ALN Th@3 pm ET broadcast live from the conference where we talked with NIBS Board Member Russ Manning and long-time NIBS mem...

SAME Survey to influence U.S. DoD Facility Asset Management

Take the Survey Watch the Video The Asset Leadership Network is proud to support a survey on Facility Asset Management by the Society of American Military Engineers (SAME) who has a meaningful influence on the U.S. Department of Defense where high-level executives have indicated willingness to adjust policy based on appropriate information. SAME will provide survey results at the beginning of its annual Joint Engineering Training Conference & Expo – Faci...

Paul Chaben – ALN Th@3

Paul Chaben, Director, Development, B Riley Advisory Services, has been working with the ALN on helping the U.S. insurance industry understand the value of proper asset management can bring to their customers. In his current role, Mr. Chaben helps large organizations value their assets for insurance purposes. We talk with Mr. Chaben about his extensive experience in accounting, investment, real estate, and asset management and how to bring real value from improved insurance results due ...