How can Asset Leadership Influence Infrastructure Spending?
Video Recording and Podcast
ALN CEO Jim Dieter has said for years, “Our bridges are not falling down because we don’t know how to maintain them. They are falling down because political leaders have not marshalled the will to address the complex issues of maintaining our infrastructure.”
Now that legislation is in place to provide funding for infrastructure improvement, what do federal, state, and local leaders need to...
ALN Roundtable: Sustainability and Asset Management
ALN CEO Jim Dieter leads a discussion between experts on Sustainability and Asset Management to spark thinking, learning, and advancing understanding on how asset management can be used to help an organization sustain its mission success and help it contribute to the sustainable use of public assets such as clean water and clean air.
Jennifer Zach, CMO, Uberlytics, LLC;Mary Adams, President, SmarterCompanies;Prof. Dr. ...
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Schedule - Future Events
Video Recordings - Past Events
Chats with industry leadersInteractive presentations from innovatorsTimely panelsand other informative formats
Every Thursday at 4 pm Eastern we will put a light on important and relevant asset leadership and asset management topics.
The flexible format will feature thought leaders and influencers from around the world. The programs will address pending legislation, review asset management disasters, chats with le...
Weekly Update from reStructuring America
ALN Director of Communications, Mike Bordenaro, goes through the agenda recapping the first week of the 2020 Asset Leadership Forum - reStructuring America.
2020 ALW Forum
reStructuring America is a virtual forum of executive content and programming promoting asset leadership across multiple sectors, government agencies and organizations.
Dynamic, engaging and necessary keynotes, special presentations, panels, and more will inform attendees about the vital roles asset leadership and asset management play in fortifying organizations, including the U.S. Federal Government.
Register Here
A55K Professional Certification Web-based Training Launched by ALN Member Organization
The 6th Asset Leadership Week in Washington D.C.
Asset Management Ecosystem Conference Features Jim Dieter
The 2018 Asset Management Ecosystem Conference in Baltimore April 29 - May 2 willfeature Asset Leadership Network Executive Director Jim Dieter as at keynote speaker.
ALN Members Tacoma Zach, president of Uberlytics and Thomas Smith, Faculty Emeritus at the University of Wisconsin, Madison are also speaking at the event, which is focused on driving value from assets.
ALN Supporter Dave Clark, City of Washington, D.C. Director, Capital Improvement Projects is also speaking.
ISO55001 Success!
Congratulations to University Health System (UHS) in San Antonio, Texas for their success in achieving ISO 55001 certification. UHS is the first hospital globally to be certified to the ISO 55001 standard by a certification body accredited by the ANSI-ASQ National Accreditation Board (ANAB).
ISO 55001: 2014 was developed by the International Standards Organization (ISO) to enable organizations to implement effective and efficient management systems for physical assets. The certification provi...