2024 U.S. Department of Defense Agency Financial Report – ALN Th@3

Rich Culbertson, ALN Board of Directors Member, was with Lockheed Martin for 40 years when he ended his career as Senior Manager, Asset Management. Mr. Culbertson is familiar with federal processes on a “chapter and verse” level. He sees the 2024 U.S. Department of Defense Agency Financial Report as a transparent expression of achievements and shortcomings. Mr. Culbertson will lead a civil discussion of the ways Asset Management can assist the DoD goals of “achieving an unmodified (clean) f...

Asset Management Council – ALN Th@3

Peter Kohler, Asset Management Council, Executive Liaison Officer, and Sally Nugent, Asset Management Reflections, were among the founders of the Australian Asset Management Council. In conjunction with the ALN, they established the Values and Benefits from Asset Management web series, which highlights repeatable success stories from many different industries. They led the initiative to start a “sentiment” survey to begin tracking how people feel about the impact of Asset Management in thei...

Jack Kelly – ALN Th@3

board member
Jack Kelly, ALN Board Member and ALN Senior Fellow was supposed to be joined by Tiffany Batac, Director, Infrastructure Asset Management and Strategy, KMPG, to discuss the creation and intended use of ISO 55011. Both represented the U.S. delegation to this first document in the ISO Asset Management series of documents intended to impact a wide community of organizations instead of just one organization. ISO 55011 provides a great step forward for how society can begin the challenging, big-p...