We try to provide a brief snapshot of Asset Management news and activities to create a time-capsule of some key leadership activities of the week. In this 216th ALN Line-of-Sight newsletter, we have too many good items to be really brief. So we are moving Upcoming Event to the top and referencing People, Sources, and Ideas below. Here is just some of what is happening in global Asset Leadership in the second half of May 2024. – May 16 – ALN Th@3 pm ET – Brains & Bytes Digital Twin AI Workshop free web workshop in preparation for the NIBS Building Innovation 50th Anniversary Conference in Washington DC May 22 – 24 (See more in Ideas) – May 20 and 21 – Asset Leadership Legislative Briefings on Capitol Hill in the House and Senate Offices to discuss current legislation and a potential request for the GAO to study the Asset Management Language in MAP-21 – May 21 Continued discussion with the United Nations about supporting their Asset Management initiatives to achieve UN Sustainable Development Goals – May 22 Values and Benefits from Asset Management – Parks & Recreation, featuring Portland, Oregon’s Chris Silkie and Ben Hayden, Executive General Manager, Asset Management for Gladstone Ports Corporation, which includes an extensive park system. (See more below in People.) – May 23 – ALN Th@3 pm ET – Live from the NIBS Building Innovation 50 th Anniversary Conference – learn what the next 50 years of building innovation looks like from presenters and attendees – May 24 – NIBS Brains & Bytes: Digital Twins and AI live web broadcast from the Building Innovation 50th Anniversary Conference featuring ALN Patrons, Organizational Members, and Executives – this wrap up web program from 12:30 pm – 2 pm ET is the only session being webcast by NIBS and will point attendees to the next 50 years of building and property asset management (Hint: Management of building assets, property assets, fleets, and all assets will be managed in similar ways to support mission success. Also, federal building certification to ISO 55001 can play a big role in having transparency of data that self-correcting behavior.) Contact us at info@AssetLeadership.net to get involved in any of the above or to suggest your own project we can support. |

ABS Quality Evaluations can help you minimize risk, improve operational efficiency and maximize the value of your operations and assets, with management system certification, auditing and training. |
Chris Silkie is Asset Management Program Manager for the City of Portland, Oregon, Parks and Recreation. Ben Hayden, is Executive General Manager, Asset Management for Gladstone Ports Corporation, which has an extensive amount of parks and recreation assets and natural assets. Part of the discussion will involve the fact that Parks & Recreation Asset Management is playing a key role in improving management of natural assets – a critical value to all nations…and the single global community. Register here for the event 22 May 2024. |
On May 13, 2024, Ranking Member of the House Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure Rick Larsen (D-WA) released the following statement as “Infrastructure Week” gets underway. |
“Every day is Infrastructure Day in my state of Washington and across the country,” Ranking Member Larsen said . “The Bipartisan Infrastructure Law is providing game-changing investments to upgrade the nation’s infrastructure, create good-paying jobs, and maintain economic competitiveness for years to come. Infrastructure Week is a reminder of what can be achieved when Congress breaks free of gridlock and fights for a system that works for everyone. As Ranking Member, I am laser-focused on ensuring these investments don’t stop at the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law; that’s why we’re getting the FAA reauthorization across the finish line and working to pass pipeline safety, the Water Resources Development Act (WRDA), and Coast Guard authorization legislation. Today, I’m celebrating the benefits of investments to create cleaner, greener, safer and more accessible transportation for communities across the country.” |
Brains Run Bytes |
The ALN is honored that our Patron Members and Organizational Members are willing to provide free web workshops to help asset owners, software providers, and service consultants understand how to specify and provide robust solutions to the increasingly complex issues of technology advancement to address challenging owner needs. But humans can use the evolving tools we create to transform seemingly intractable problems. We are equally honored to support the National Institute of Building Sciences’ Brains & Bytes: Digital Twins AI Workshops as part of its 50th Anniversary Building Innovation Conference with hands-on exposure to proven tools and processes governed by a structured approach to Asset Management. This Thursday 16 May at 3 pm a variety of participants will spend an hour showcasing work they have down to demonstrate solution sets. Next Thursday 23 May will have a live ALN Th@3 pm ET from the NIBS conference. On Friday 24 May from 12:30 pm – 2 pm ET, NIBS will live broadcast the Brains & Bytes: Digital Twin AI web workshop. Later in May and June, the ALN will continue supporting owners, software providers, and service consultants who publicly demonstrate repeatable processes governed by Asset Management principles to achieve organizational mission success. We know this is a lot. We know this can seem complex. But so are the problems owners are facing and we are happy to help them see paths forward this year…and for the next 50 years. |
If you are part of an ALN Member Organization, please send information about your upcoming speaking engagements to info@AssetLeadership.net.