Line-of-Sight Newsletter 29 October 2024

Because we live in the information age, ISO 55013, which provides guidance on the management of data assets, can be a handy companion. This week on ALN Th@3 pm ET, ALN Senior Fellow Mark Knight, Principal Consultant, 1898 & Co. will talk about the origin and use of this new document in the series of ISO 55000 asset management standards. See more below in People and Sources.

The 2024 ALN Federal Asset Management Insights web programs on November 13 & 14 are concise discussions, presentations, and panels that provide an overview of current and planned Federal activities. See more below in Ideas.

abs group

Accredited quality and business assurance experts at ABS Quality Evaluations, Inc. have supported companies around the world, providing management system certification, verification, assessment and training to help them better assure reliable performance of business, systems, people and supply chains.


ALN Senior Fellow Mark Knight, Principal Consultant, 1898 & Co., was also a key leader of the Working Group that created the ISO 55013:2014 Asset management — Guidance on the management of data assets. Mr. Knight helped process more than 130 comments on the document, which provides detailed guidance to support and enhance the application and effectiveness of the ISO 55001 standard. On this weeks ALN Th@3 pm ET Mr. Knight will discuss the rationale for the structure of the standard and discuss ways it can be practically applied.


“ISO 55013:2024 Asset management — Guidance on the management of data assets” addresses the full management life cycle of data, including data collection, storage, updates, and reviews as well as data extraction and analysis for decision-making.  Because Asset Management often requires integration of multiple systems, ISO 55001 addresses integration of data across many disciplines in a cohesive manner. The standard also describes best practices related to asset registers, asset histories, market data, and customer data. Included are approaches to data quality management, methods for data improvement, data storage and protection, technological tools for data utilization, processes for data acquisition, data utilization, data preservation, data archiving, and data deletion. Those in the U.S. can 
purchase ISO 55013 at the ANSI website
, others can purchase from their national standards body.


The U.S. Government Accountability Office has written important documents on Federal Asset Management that have greatly improved many agencies. This year, at the 2024 ALN Federal Asset Management Insights, a GAO panel will address agency Asset Management in the face of climate change; securing assets in facilities; and the role of hoteling office space as a means of right-sizing federal assets. Learn about 2024 GAO reports by registering at this 

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