Happy 2025! The year is starting with a bang for ALN Organizational Members and colleagues, so this is a big issue.
Federal, State, and Local Government Owners are advancing significant Asset Management initiatives. Asset Management Consultants are experiencing increased demand for high-level policy, strategy, and tactical assistance. Associations and are engaging in multiple, co-facilitated initiatives to continue expanding awareness of dramatic mission outcome improvements with Asset Leadership.
ALN Member Organizations, ALN Senior Fellows, and colleagues are working with and presenting at Design Futures Council, ASHRAE’s AHR Conference, National Facilities Management & Technology, Government Financial Officers’ Association, National Institute of Building Sciences conferences, ASTM, The Institute of Asset Management, Values and Benefits from Asset Management, and a new series of ALN Roundtables described below in People and Ideas.
The ALN is happy to work with all kinds of excellent professionals who share a passion for spreading asset management best practices with top leaders.
The following items represent just the beginning of the 2025 content the ALN is co-facilitating. We look forward to your involvement. Please reach out with comments and suggestions for programs you think will be valuable in 2025.

CGI Federal Inc., a wholly owned U.S. operating subsidiary of CGI Inc., is dedicated to partnering with federal agencies to provide solutions for defense, civilian, healthcare, justice, intelligence, and international affairs missions.
Pollop Phonpornwithoon, PE, PMP, Water Utilities Assistant Director Operations, Maintenance, Technology, Palm Beach County, will lead a team presentation about the organization’s ISO 55001 certification journey on Thursday 23 January at 3 pm Eastern. Palm Beach County is the first water utility in the U.S. to receive this honor. Mr. Phonpornwithoon has an M.S. in Civil Engineering and has spent many years at different positions at the Water Utility in addition to having various experiences as an engineering consultant. He will be joined others on his team. This special 1-hour program will start with an overview the State Asset Management Initiatives for Water Systems co-published by the Institute for Asset Management and the ALN. See more below in Upcoming Events and register at this link.
ALN Th@3 pm ET
ALN Th@3 pm ET is entering its 5th year as dynamic source of timely discussions on pressing asset management issues. This week on January 9th we will be talking with the team presenting at the ASHRAE Winter Conference in February about the impact of Digital Twins on Building Automation Systems and HVAC assets. Anto Budiardjo, President, Padi, and Kimon Onuma, President, ONUMA, will preview the value of Asset Leadership to guide successful implementation of a Digital Twins Initiative. January 16th we will be talking with Kyle Wedberg, PhD., Project Manager, Government Finance Association, about the ALN co-facilitated event on Asset Management Policy and ISO 55011. January 23rd debuts the new ALN Roundtable Series focused on Water Utility Asset Management. Register here. See more above and below in Ideas.
Join the ALN in 2025
The ALN is honored to be an established forum for Asset Management Thought Leadership. In 2025, we are launching an Asset Leadership Roundtable Subscription Series. ALN Organizational Members will participate in organizing and presenting the Roundtables. Annual Subscribers will receive discounted attendance for the web events, and people will be able to pay to attend individual events as desired. Input on topics and the business model are welcome.
The first Asset Leadership Roundtable Subscription Series is a free event on Thursday 23 January at 3 pm Eastern featuring an overview of the State Asset Management Initiatives for Water Systems co-published by the Institute for Asset Management and the ALN followed by a panel presentation on the ISO 55001 certification of the West Palm Beach County Water Utilities. See more below and register at this link.
Upcoming Events
Jan. 9 – ALN Th@3 pm ET – Anto Budiardjo, President, Padi, and Kimon Onuma, President, ONUMA, will preview the value of Asset Leadership to guide successful implementation of a Digital Twins Initiative.
Jan. 16 – ALN Th@3 pm ET – Kyle Wedberg, PhD., Project Manager, Government Finance Association, about the ALN co-facilitated event on Asset Management Policy and ISO 55011
Jan. 23 – ALN Th@3 pm ET – Special Water Systems Roundtable Program – Panelists include:
From West Palm Beach County Water Utilities:
Pollop Phonpornwithoon, Asst. Department Director Operations, Maintenance, Technology
Anthony Armeli, Director of Maintenance
Melody Laven, Technical Compliance Manager
Ken Gedman, Director, Advisory Services, Stantec
Feb. 5 – 5 pm Eastern – Value and Benefits from Asset Management: Electricity Generation Asset Management
Dragan Komljenovic, Eng., Ph.D., Researcher, Prediction and Reliability, Hydro-Québec, Research Institute
Robin Blair, Agency Asset Manager, Bonneville Power Administration
Stacey Webster-Wharton, Operations Performance Administrator, Bonneville Power Administration
If you are part of an ALN Member Organization, please send information about your upcoming speaking engagements to info@AssetLeadership.net.