Organizational members keep sending us information about their conference activities, so we will report on them in a new section that will appear occasionally after People, Sources, and Ideas.
This week will feature a special one-hour ALN Th@3 pm ET. ALN AiBrainSTORM – TreeSTORM will show how to address natural assets with an asset leadership twist. By focusing on the asset management principles needed to create a “Tiny Forest” using the Miyawaka Method, organizations can develop a culture of asset management by focusing on an activity unrelated to their core business. Many advancements in business processes can be made by focusing on trees instead of the trains, planes, automobiles, or other assets you typically address. See more below in People and Upcoming Events and register at this link.
The Andrew James Advisory Group is holding ALN A55K Professional Certification training November 6 – 17. The web course provides thorough and meaningful understandings of the ISO 55000/1/2 asset management structure. The training involves recorded courses and readings as well as instructed web discussions. A final session involves creation of a Strategic Asset Management Plan that drives home the theory into a class activity that can be used directly at work.
Shubhendu Sharma was an engineer in Toyota’s Tokyo operation when Dr. Akira Miyawaki planted a Tiny Forest there in a corporate effort to offset carbon. Understanding the powerful impact of densely planting indigenous shrubs and trees to create competition and accelerate growth, Mr. Sharma left auto engineering and started the Afforestt Institute. He advocates for Tiny Forest creation around the world. His group has been involved with more than 100 Tiny Forests and has advocated the ALN AiBrainSTORM – TreeSTORM. Mr. Sharma has presented TED Talks and spoke at the United Nations. He has accepted the invitation to participate this Th@3, but he is halfway around the world in India and is in high demand, so we are not holding our breath…but we wanted to introduce you to him here.
Christina Benty Videos
Christina Benty, President, Strategic Leadership Solutions, an ALN Member, spoke to us on ALN Th@3 pm ET last month and audience engagement kept the program going for 50 minutes. This is rare, so we are using that program and other video links from Ms. Benty as a source inspirational leadership positions that apply not only to municipalities, but any organization in need of a leader who helps people appreciate their internal motivation and how to link that to organizational mission success. See her TED Talk and PowHERtalk at this link. The ALN will help you set up a meeting with your municipality and Ms. Benty to discuss asset management. Contact Mike Bordenaro at
Repeatable Federal Innovation
Robin Carnahan, GSA Administrator was featured in the Washington Post as leading the way to make buildings and parking lots achieve more goals than just providing space to work or park cars. Many people pointed out this article to us and we applaud the many federal innovations occurring in the Denver Federal Center. Promoting the advanced work in solar energy, building technology applications that save on cooling and heating costs, and other ways our facility assets can reduce management and maintenance costs while preparing for an ever changing future is worth repeating in state and local governments, as well as at private companies.
Conferences, Conventions and Talks
Last week at the Ports Equipment Manufacturers Association 2023 Fall Meeting in Miami, Jon Arnup, President of ALN Organizational Member Trent Port Services gave a presentation on the impact of asset leadership on the future of Ports. He mentioned the ALN and the strategic approach to asset management governance advocated by our members. Representatives from ALN Patron Member Jacobs attended the meeting.
This week, the ALN’s CDV Systems and ONUMA, Inc. are presenting together at the Space Strategies 2023 Conference in Boston. They will continue to advocate for an asset leadership strategy that not only includes all the spaces in a facility, but also all the personal property and equipment. A part of their presentation will address the use of a recently developed sensor that can detect temperature, movement, sound, and other issues to be monitored and measured. Cyril Verley and Kimon Onuma sent us a short video from the Conference. See it that this link. The tools and processes they discuss that improve management of interior spaces can also be used for exterior spaces, such as the Tiny Forests that will be addressed as assets in the upcoming program ALN Ai BrainSTORM – TreeSTORM this Thursday at 3 pm Eastern.
Upcoming Events
October 19 – ALN Th@3 pm ET – ALN AiBrainSTORM – TreeSTORM will address treating trees as assets and linking the measurable value of trees to a fictional cryptocurrency to show how proper asset management can generate value beyond the initial gains of proper systems thinking.
October 25 – 5 pm ET – Value and Benefits from Asset Management – Dominic Townsend, President ABS Quality Evaluations, an ALN Patron Member, and Australia’s Dave Daines, Lead Auditor, Bureau Veritas. They will discuss the best asset management practices they have seen and the value derived from them. This is the first time we will be learning from this unique perspective. Please join us on Wednesday 26 October 5 pm – 6 pm ET. See more and register at this link.
October 26 – ALN Th@3 pm ET – ALN Airports Asset Leadership Board Launch with Co-chairs Bryan Oldham, Senior Director, Asset Management Denver International Airport’s Byran Oldham, and Jennifer Mims, Asset Management Director, Jacobs.
November 9 – Airports Asset Leadership Board – ALN Th@3
Denver International Airport CEO, Phillip A. Washington, will provide an opening Keynote on the collaboration needed among multiple organizations and the multiple divisions working together among those organizations at an airport. Bryan Oldham will then provide an organizational chart and discuss the collaborative efforts being undertaken at DEN. Jennifer Mims will then facilitate a panel discussion.
If you are part of an ALN Member Organization, please send information about your upcoming speaking engagements to