This is the time of the year when uplifting sentiments, food, and gifts are offered to tide us over to the start of another trip around the Sun. But in many significant ways, things aren’t that uplifting. But we do find something a little renewing in the thought that a leadership approach to asset management can address key problems all governments face.
As a bi-partisan, non-denominational approach to operating organizations, asset management governance might not be an uplifting message, but it promises a path to solutions for the real issues all governments face.
It is an honor to be co-hosting an in-person event that will publicly address problems and solutions to federal real property asset management issues on Wednesday 10 January at the National Academies’ Keck Center, 500 5th Street, NW, Washington, D.C.
Along with the National Academies’ Federal Facility Council, the ALN is facilitating in-person presentations augmented with web-based insights to allow executive-level discussions on key issues. The issues addressed in reports by the U.S. Government Accountability Office and the National Academies’ “Strategies to Renew Federal Facilities” act as the guide for discussions. We will talk about ways to address complex issues, such as optimizing resources in the face of seemingly endless need. We will also address establishing an organizational culture for systematic successes led by asset management governance.
Representatives from the GAO and the National Academies will be joined by federal executives dedicated to leading their agencies, other agencies, and the nation to solutions to billion-dollar issues, such as deferred maintenance.
See more below and register through the National Academies at this link.

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Al Green, a long-time federal executive with Interior and DHS is retiring at the end of this month. Mr. Green has also been actively involved in the National Property Managers Association and has helped with the ALN. ALN Th@3 pm ET on Thursday 28 December will feature a talk with Mr. Green about the evolution of asset management over the course of his career and where he sees it heading in the near future. Register at this link.
NAS and GAO Reports
The National Academies’ “Strategies for Renewing Federal Facilities” will lay the foundation for solutions to seemingly intractable issues facing all agencies on Wednesday 10 January 2024 at the Keck Center. The U.S. Government Accountability Office reports on deferred maintenance (GAO-21-497 & GAO-24-105485) and others will be presented as objective looks at major issues facing federal agencies. The event is an excellent opportunity to openly discuss proven asset management successes and ways to accelerate asset leadership best practices through the U.S. Federal Government. Register through the National Academies at this link.
Start 2024 at the National Academies
While many in the U.S. have the luxury to think about politics, federal executives must administer the business of the government in all conditions. Preparing for all conditions is an element of asset management that leaders will be discussing at the National Academies’ Keck Center on Wednesday 10 January 2024. Please join us and learn from federal executives who are successfully addressing ways to optimize the resources of their agencies. Register through the National Academies at this link. See the agenda at this ALN web page.
Upcoming Events
Dec 21 – Holiday Discussion – ALN Th@3 pm, ET – Register Here
Dec 28 – Th@3 pm ET – A discussion with Al Green – Register Here
Jan 10 – Keck Center in DC – Leading Optimization at Federal Agencies – Decision Making Strategies from Federal Executives and Reports – Register Here
If you are part of an ALN Member Organization, please send information about your upcoming speaking engagements to