Mike Santos has been the asset manager for the U.S. activities in Antarctica. He has been the asset manager for the Denver International Airport. He will be presenting at the AMC – ALN co-facilitated Value and Benefits of Asset Management web program on Wednesday 28 June at 6 pm Eastern. And he will be the guest of this week’s ALN Th@3 pm ET web discussion program. Learn more below in People. Register at these links: ALN Th@3 pm ET and Value and Benefits from Asset Management.
Jacobs: Challenging today.
Reinventing tomorrow.
Mike Santos, is currently KBR Program Manager, deploying ISO 55001 certified, next generation asset management software on U.S. Federal Government contract. Mr. Santos has been the asset manager for the U.S. Antarctic Program through Raytheon and was the Denver International Airport Asset Management. He will be part of a Transportation themed Value and Benefits from Asset Management web program with our colleagues in Australia on Wednesday 28 June at 6 pm Eastern. For ALN Th@3 pm ET he will be discussing software solutions to asset management issues.
Nathaniel Sanders, Esq., is known to the ALN as the person who brought physical asset management to Ukraine in 2022 when he took personal time from the Salt Lake City District Attorney’s office and donated assets from ALN supporters to Poland and then across the border to Ukraine’s citizens. His personal essay about this first trip to support Ukrainian people was published in the Utah Bar Journal. Scroll down to page 27. We commend Mr. Sanders’ efforts and look forward to the report on his second trip to assist the people of Ukraine.
Bring Asset Management to Your Local Government
Everyone talks about the problems our local governments have. Few people bring solutions. Partner with the Asset Leadership Network to bring an ALN Executive Briefing to your local government. Contact ALN Executive Director Mike Bordenaro: mbordenaro@AssetLeadership.net
Upcoming Events
June 22 ALN Th@3 pm ET – Mike Santos, ALN Sole Practitioner Member and KBR, Program Manager will be speaking about the upcoming Value and Benefits from Asset Management web program with the Australian Asset Management Council.
June 28 Wednesday 6 pm ET – Value and Benefits from Asset Management, web panel co-produced with the Asset Management Council.
June 29 ALN Th@3 pm ET – Steve Wyton, Manager, Asset Management Planning for the City of Calgary
June 29 at 4 pm ET – Onuma Inc. and CDV Systems will showcase their combined capabilities to deliver dramatically improved building information to owners.
The Andrew James Advisory Group provides ISO 55000 consulting services, and 2023 training the following dates:
– July 17 – 28
– September 18 – 29
– November 6 – 17
If you are part of an ALN Member Organization, please send information about your upcoming speaking engagements to info@AssetLeadership.net.