Web activities continue to roll in 2023…
February 2nd on ALN Th@3 pm ET Mark Knight, FIAM, Senior Consultant with 1898, Inc. will be our guest. See more below in People. Register at this link.
February 7th at 4 pm Eastern we will join our Australian colleagues at the Asset Management Council in presenting another edition of “Value and Benefits from Asset Management.” See more far below in Upcoming Events. Register at this link.
February 14th at 10 am Eastern, we will join our colleagues at the Institute of Asset Management for a web panel discussion on our co-published document, “Asset Management: A White Paper.” Register at this link.
Jacobs: Challenging today.
Reinventing tomorrow.
Mark Knight was recently named a Fellow in the Institute of Asset Management and is Senior Consultant at 1898, Inc, an ALN Organizational Member. Mr. Knight originated the idea of IAM and ALN co-publishing “Asset Management Leadership: A White Paper.” We will be briefly touch on the Paper, but this week’s ALN Th@3 we will be talking more about how asset management rubber hits the road at I898, Inc. and their clients.
Great Leader = Great Communicator
We didn’t say it. The Harvard Business Review article by Carmin Gallo, says it. The article is titled, “How Great Leaders Communicate.” We just made the implicit connection. Mr. Gallo points out four key communication techniques to focus on: 1) use short words, 2) use “sticky” phrases, 3) humanize data, and, 4) emphasize your mission – your “Why.” Thank you to Jim Dieter for sharing this.
Prevent Fraud
The U.S. Government Accountability Office recently published a report that indicates $60 billion was defrauded from the U.S. Department of Labor during the pandemic. The report it titled: GAO-23- 05523 Data Indicate Substantial Levels of Fraud during the Pandemic; DOL Should Implement an Antifraud Strategy. The effective fraud risk reduction included in the GAO Green Book, The Federal Internal Control Standards, could have reduced the amount fraud absorbed tax payers absorbed. When combined with GAO’s Fraud Risk Framework, the proper attention is paid to the internal controls element of asset management that can reduce the risk of fraud. All organizations can benefit from understanding and adhering to these best practices. Thank you to Richard Culbertson for sharing this information.
Upcoming Events
Feb. 7 – 4 pm ET – Value and Benefits from Asset Management – The ongoing series co-host by Australia’s Asset Management Council and the ALN will feature Peggy M. Quijada de Franke, Director of Facilities, Planning, and Development, Los Angeles Community College District; James Conway, Maintenance & Operations Standards Coordinator, Los Angeles Community College District; Kimon Onuma, President, ONUMA, Inc.; and, John Hardwick, Executive Director for Asset Management at Transport, New South Wales. Register at this link.
Feb. 14 – 3 pm ET – “Asset Management Leadership: A White Paper” will be discussed on the web by leaders of co-publishers The Institute of Asset Management and Asset Leadership Network and principal authors. Participating will be, Ursula Bryan, IAM, CEO; Jim Dieter, ALN CEO; Mark Knight, FIAM, Senior Consultant, 1898, Inc.; Mark DeClercq, President of Applied Asset Management Consultants; and Mike Bordenaro, ALN Executive Director. Register at this link.