Newsletter 5 December 2023

Humans in the northern hemisphere have festivals of lights in December because that is when it is darkest. On the upcoming first Thursday of December, ALN Th@3 pm ET we celebrate 10 years of ALN lighting the way for leaders of asset management in their organizations, in their countries, and around the world.

We will spend some time talking about milestones in our journey together, but the celebration of past achievements will quickly turn into planning for the future. We will open the floor to ideas about having a continued impact on asset leadership in 2024.

One way we are having an impact in 2024 is with an event on Wednesday 10 January, co-hosted with the National Academies’ Federal Facility Council at the Keck Center, 500 5th Street, NW, Washington, D.C. See more below in Ideas.

Attend Momentum Day 2023 December 11 at the Renaissance Arlington Capitol View Hotel and learn how you can leverage Momentum® to Elevate Outcomes for your agency’s operations and mission.


Executives at ALN member organizations, ALN Board Members, ALN Senior Fellows, ALN A55K Professional Certification holders, and ALN supporters of all kinds have been the best group of people to spend the past 10 years with. The zeal and dedication of the People who launched the ALN in 2013 was palpable as event successes lead to significant impacts at major public and private organizations. All of the People new to ALN share a common energy from the power of proper asset management governance. Let’s celebrate how the principles of the People who started the ALN and of those who established its significance can be used for continued impact in 2024. Please join us this Th@3 pm ET in a special planning program at 3 pm Thursday 7 December. Register here.


Methane Emission Reductions as Asset Leadership Success

We see asset management problems in the news on a regular basis. It is important to recognize and celebrate asset leadership and asset management successes when we see them. The oil and gas industries’ recent commitment to reduced methane emissions is an asset leadership success as it establishes consensus-based principles, mission, objectives, deadlines, intended outcomes, and more. When achieved, it will be an asset management success that can be shared by all people.


Let’s Address Deferred Maintenance

Asset Leadership is not about touching assets. Asset Leadership requires executives of large organizations to make important decisions about the seemingly intractable issue of deferred maintenance. The National Academies’ Federal Facilities Council and the ALN are co-hosting a day focused on Deferred Maintenance as a leadership issue with proven, repeatable paths to success addressing a complex issue.

Executives from the U.S. Government Accountability Office will present a series of reports that address asset management in general and specifically deferred maintenance.

The National Academies’ “Strategies to Renew Federal Facilities” will be presented because the ALN sees there are clear steps in it that address deferred maintenance.

Executives from U.S. Federal Government are being invited to comment on their paths to an asset management governance approach to deferred maintenance.

Email to receive information about registration as soon as details are finalized.

Upcoming Events

November 29 and December 6 – 6 pm Eastern – ALN Senior Fellow Marty Rowland and colleagues will present “Decarbonizing the Economy – Challenges and Prospectives” through the Henry George School of Sociology. The three lectures will address challenges and benefits of moving away from a carbon economy.

Save the Date:

January 10, 2024 – The Asset Leadership Network is pleased assist in the promotion of U.S. Government Accountability Office reports on deferred maintenance (GAO-21-497 & GAO-24-105485) and the National Academies’ “Strategies for Renewing Federal Facilities.” Representatives from the GAO, National Academies, and the ALN will present on the impact of these documents at the Keck Center. We are planning other events around this day of presentations. Stay tuned for more details and registration information.

If you are part of an ALN Member Organization, please send information about your upcoming speaking engagements to