The Social Impact of Asset Management Seminar from the ISO TC 251 for Asset Management is on May 10, 3:30 pm ET – 6:30 pm in Philadelphia and online. See more below in Ideas. Register at this link.
Boudewijn Neijens, Chief Marketing Officer, Copperleaf Technologies, and Convenor of the TCI 251 Working Group 3 communications committee will join us live from Philadelphia this week for ALN Th@3 pm ET. See more below and register at this link.
Jacobs: Challenging today.
Reinventing tomorrow.
In addition to his roles listed above, Boudewijn Neijens is a Board Member of the Institute of Asset Management and was President of the Plant Engineering and Maintenance Association of Canada (PEMAC) Vancouver Chapter. With an MBA and Mechanical/Aeronautical Engineering Degree, Mr. Neijens is well-equipped to serve asset management clients at Copperleaf Technologies, where has been for more than 12 years. He has been a guest on ALN Th@3 before and spoke at other ALN events. We look forward to welcoming him back and learning about developments at the first in-person TCI 251 gathering since before the pandemic. Register at this link.
Digital Employees White Paper
CGI, parent company of ALN Patron Member, CGI Federal, published a highly readable White Paper on the very current issues of Digital Employees. While the pandemic has made us all aware of the potential of a digital workforce, there is not always a full understanding of how to address the many issues that come with this new way of working. With sections titled “Adapting to Digital Age Workforce Expectations,” “Strengthening the frontline to create an amazing customer experience” and, “Creating a collaborative work environment”, the White Paper provides a structure for managing the intangible asset of employee contributions to mission success.
We don’t often repeat Ideas one week to the next, but we are very excited about the Social Impact of Asset Management Seminar on May 10, 3:30 pm ET in Philadelphia and online. Register for in-person or web attendance at this link. Topics include: the reverberation of the National Academies’ Strategies to Renew Federal Facilities report; Risk, Value and Multiple Capitals of Asset Management; Anglian Water; Michigan Infrastructure Council, Asset Management and Climate Change, and more. Presented by the US TAG to ISO TC251, speakers include Alan Stillman, Jack Dempsey, Mary Adams, Peader Duffy, Jim Dieter, Rhys Davies, Christian Roberts, Boudewijn Neijens, James Tischler, and more. The Seminar is taking place during the week-long ISO TC/251 meetings in Philadelphia where important decisions about ISO 55000 and ISO 55001, as well as other TC/251 standards, will be made. Learn what leaders from around the world are saying about how asset management is at the center of societal improvements in water, electricity, transportation, facilities, and more. Register at this link.
Upcoming Events
May 10, 3:30 pm ET – The Social Impact of Asset Management Seminar from the ISO TC 251 for Asset Management
May 23 Tuesday 3 pm ET – ALN Cities & Places Asset Leadership Board Web Panel with Earl Jackson, CFO, Denver City & County, Transportation and Infrastructure; Kyle Wedberg, PhD, Senior Manager, Government Finance Officers Association; and others will join the Co-Chairs in discussions on the power of the CFO in gaining value and benefits from asset management.
May 26 at 9 pm Eastern, the “Ai AIA Japan” web programs will build on the success of our recent BIMStorm focused on Asset Management and ISO 55000, this event highlights the importance of involving creative participants to ensure project success. Set against the vibrant backdrop of Tokyo, we’ll dive into creating innovative, green, and energy-efficient designs that promote resilience and add value to the cityscape.
June 21 Wednesday 6 pm ET Value and Benefits from Asset Management, web panel co-produced with the Asset Management Council.
If you are part of an ALN Member Organization, please send information about your upcoming speaking engagements to