PortSTORM – ALN Th@3

AIstorms showcase proven technology tools and related business processes with industry specific workshops and demonstrations. Participate in a virtual project that is represented in a very real way. Leaders can understand what policies, strategies, standards, and best practices to replicate in their industry.

Online Brainstorms

Free and Publicly-available
Interactive Workshops

AiBrainSTORM – PortSTORM I – August 2023
AiBrainSTORM – TreesSTORM – October 2023
AiBrainSTORM – PortSTORM II – March 2024
Contact AIstorm@AssetLeadership.net

Co-Facilitated by the Asset Leadership Network and ALN Platinum Member ONUMA, Inc.

Industry leaders learn what is possible. Know how to specify and implement tools and processes. Improve mission outcomes.

Asset Leadership Network Organizational Members can participate in presentation planning to better understand ever-evolving tools and processes. Participating ALN Organizational members can highlight their capabilities in the public presentation.

Organizations can hire a private ALN Executive Briefing related to AI and Digital Twins with Asset Management Governance. Selected ALN Organizational Member executives, ALN Senior Fellows, and invited owner organization executives will participate in the ALN Executive Briefing, planning and follow up. Contact ALN Executive Director Michael Bordenaro at mbordenaro@AssetLeadership.net

ALN Platinum Member ONUMA, Inc. is founder of the award-winning BIMStorm, an online brainstorm using Building Information Models, which are a precursor, and complement, to Digital Twins. Collaboration, inclusion, open standards, and sharing best practices to achieve dramatic industry improvements are cornerstones of BIMStorms and continue to be with AIstorms.

ONUMA, Inc. and the Asset Leadership Network have worked together for many years on AIstorm precursor activities. The most recent collaboration was based on the American Institute of Architects Japan Chapter web presentation on May 27 starting at 10 am in Tokyo. The full video of AiAIA Japan is at this link. ALN highlight reel is at this link.

PORTSstorm II – Building off the Tokyo Fish Market AiAIA Japan event, and the May 2023 virtual port in Tokyo Harbor event.

TREESstorm – Managing Trees as Assets will demonstrate measurement of benefits from trees. We are exploring demonstration of how to link improvements in tree outcomes to a virtual “Trees” cryptocurrency.

Xstorm – Work with the Asset Leadership Network to establish an online brainstorm using AI and Digital Twins with Asset Management Governance for your industry. Contact ALN Executive Director, Michael Bordenaro, mbordenaro@AssetLeadership.net