ALN Newsletter May 27 2020

It was good to honor the memory of those who gave their lives for our country. Ideas COVID-19 Grant Booz Allen Foundation is providing grants to individuals and organizations to seed innovation in solving urgent COVID-19 challenges. A $1 million dollar fund will be used to give nonprofits up to $100,000 and individuals up to $10,000. Sources How COVID-19 Spreads The Center for Disease Control has published information on how the COVID-19 virus...

ALN Newsletter May 19 2020

“If you hold a cat by the tail, you learn things you cannot learn in any other way.” Mark Twain We are all holding a cat by the tail.Share what you have learned with the ALN community. Ideas A55K Professional Certification LMI Consulting had 18 staff train with the Andrew James Advisory Group to sit the ALN A55K Professional Certification exam. LMI is now the company with largest number of A55K Certified Professionals. Consider also havin...

ALN Newsletter May 12 2020

No one should cough near you. They should cough far away. If someone coughs near you, tell them to “Far cough.” – (Say it with an Irish accent…A little humor is occasionally necessary at times like this.) Sources NIBS WebinarRe-Entering Buildings The ALN is pleased to be co-hosting a web workshop and webinar series with the National Institute of Building Sciences. On May 7, 2020 NIBS also held a virtual Town Hall titled Preparing for Re-Entering Buildings that inclu...

ALN Newsletter May 5 2020

It is still important to not let up on being vigilant about your safety and the safety of those around you. Please consider forwarding this newsletter to one person who does not know about the ALN and ask them to sign up for our mailing list here. People Moshe NelsonALN Senior Fellow Grant Thornton’s Public Sector Asset Management Solution Lead, Moshe Nelson is participating the ALN co-hosted web workshop and webinar series titled “BIMStorm at Distance” on M...

ALN Newsletter April 28 2020

Please reply to this email with any insights, links or other information that can help people better guide their organizations through the pandemic.  And please continue to be vigilant about your safety and the safety of others. Sources BAH AI Webinar forCOVID-19 Response ALN member Booz Allen Hamilton is hosting a webinar on May 7, 2020 titled AI for COVID-19 Response: Federal Health Virtual Forum. It addresses how AI is already being used and how it can be used to fur...

ALN Newsletter April 21 2020

Having endured over a month of unprecedented chain reactions from the corona virus/covid-19, it is good to start shaping policies and strategies that can move the country forward in the best possible manner. And, in Other Things, it is always good to express gratitude. Ideas ALN National Asset Leadership Strategy Moshe Nelson, Grant Thornton Public Sector – Asset Management Solution Lead, and ALN Senior Fellow says, “Never has a time been more important than now to real...

ALN Newsletter April 14 2020

We appreciate those who are providing insights and links to useful information relevant to these times. Please feel free to submit "Ideas", "Sources" or "People" content that can by concisely summarized and shared with the ALN Community. Send content to Michael Bordenaro, People Arthur KurlandALN Senior Fellow Arthur Kurland is Director of Capital and Asset Management for the San Antonio University – University Health System and partici...

ALN Newsletter April 7 2020

All of us at ALN hope you and yours are healthy and keeping safe. While you are working from home, the ALN website has freely available information to learn more about ISO 55000, work teams can take a 2-week web class to earn an A55K Professional Certification together and next week we are starting a webinar series with co-sponsors. Ideas Asset Leadership as Opposed to Asset Management ALN CEO Jim Dieter has created a presentation that outlines how Asset Leadership is di...

Welcome to the ALN Newsletter

We're pleased to bring you the first edition of the Asset Leadership Network newsletter. We are committed to bringing you regular news and resources that will help you bring asset management leadership to your organization. We promise to respect your inbox and your time - and we welcome your insights and suggestions about resources to share.  The Asset Leadership Network is more than a trade organization. We are the extension of life-long relationships. We are a community. . . a family ...

USCG Calls Out ISO 55000 to Congress

The ISO 55000 management system for asset management was cited by U.S. Coast Guard Rear Admiral Nathan Moore in a 2019 Statement to a U.S. House of Representatives Transportation Subcommittee. Admiral Moore is the USCG Assistant Commandant for Engineering and Logistics. In his statement on Coast Guard Shore Infrastructure, Admiral Moore covered shore plant inventory, funding, continuous improvement and other issues. Admiral Moore stated: “The Coast Guard’s Civil Engineering Program execu...