BIM Ball for the Facility Lifecycle at the National Academy of Sciences

building information management
Data-Driven Decisions for Facilities and Assets: Create Value with Existing Information  and Hit the BIM Ball for the Entire Lifecycle A Forum at: The National Academy of Sciences in Washington DC and Conclusion of the Program2BIM Webinar Series June 30, 2016 2 pm to 3 pm EDT In-person webinar viewing 3 pm to 4:30 pm EDT Policy Planning Discussion National Academy of Sciences Keck Center 500 5th St., NW, DC. Room 206 ​Space is Limited  For more information and registration, go to...

Asset Leadership Impact Awards Presented at National Press Club

The Asset Leadership Network non-profit association presented its 2015 Asset Leadership Impact Awards at the National Press Club in Washington, D.C. on October 21, 2015. The Awards highlight asset management projects, project teams, the introduction of a piece legislation and the author a ground breaking book on the surprisingly high level of government assets worldwide. All the award winners show paths to improve asset management for governments as well as private companies. Jim Dieter, E...

Federal Asset Management Forum Shows Potential for Dramatic Savings of U.S. Tax Dollars

High-level U.S. Federal agency executives expressed their support for adoption of the ISO 55000 asset management standard series as a key means of saving significant taxpayer dollars at the Federal Leadership in Asset Management Policy Forum in Washington, D.C. on October 20 & 21, 2015. Convened at the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine historic building on the National Mall, the Forum was co-sponsored by the Federal Facility Council and the Asset Leadership Network...

Federal property managers plagued by new type of data woes

federal news radio
Emily Kopp of Federal News Radio published a story today highlight some of the most provocative points made during the Federal Leadership in Asset Management Policy Forum at the National Academy of Sciences, co-hosted by the Asset Leadership Network.

Culbertson’s Corner: ISO55000 and Volkswagen

by Rich Culbertson   Most of us have heard the latest news on Volkswagen and the scandal surrounding their intention deception of the EPA on their clean diesel engines. I believe it is important  to understand what happened with Volkswagen, and their apparent success since 2009 of being able fool so many for so long on the pollution of their diesel products. So far this practice a...

Dag Detter to Keynote Asset Management Policy Forum

Photo of Dag Detter
DAG DETTER, co-author of The Public Wealth of Nations  – How Management of Public Assets Can Boost or Bust Economic Growth has been named as the Keynote speaker at the Federal Leadership in Asset Management Policy Forum, to be held Tuesday and Wednesday, October 20th and 21st, 2015 at the National Academy of Sciences Auditorium in Washington, D.C. The Federal Facilities Council (FFC) of the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine, and the Asset Leadership Network (ALN) are h...

How Governments Lose Trillions Mismanaging Property

Post Office building
Peter R. Orszag, previously director of the Office of Management and Budget, writes an article for Bloomberg View in which he states that governments across the world have an estimated $75 trillion worth of commercial assets -- roughly 50 percent more than the $54 trillion in global public debt -- and these assets are typically quite poorly managed.  Further, he states "the returns from better management would be enormous. A 2 percentage-point increase in the return on public commercial assets w...

ALN Releases Draft Executive Order on Asset Management

Asset Leadership Network Logo
The Asset Leadership Network has developed a Draft Executive Order for submission and consideration by the President to adopt the principles inherent to ISO 55000 and establish the policy that Federal agencies use a common system for asset management.  The outcome is that federal government organizations will manage and utilize assets in an efficient, effective and economical manner while achieving their organizational missions and the collective objectives of the Executive Branch in an accounta...