Key federal agencies will show how to apply asset leadership to law enforcement activities.Cross pollination of common problems will be addressed with repeatable processes.
Speakers include:
Ken Burgess, Executive Director, Assets and Logistics, Office of the Chief Readiness Support Officer, DHSMoshe Nelson, Principal and Asset Management Lead, Grant ThorntonKaren Lopez, Chief, Asset Management, Federal Bureau of InvestigationsEric Brown, ALN Senior Fello...
ALN Newsletter October 19 2020
Many people ask us how they can get started on their asset leadership and asset management journey. That is why we created ALN A55K Professional Certification. Find out more about the 2-week web course leading to this professional certification starting on November 9, 2020 at this link.
October 19, 2020
The ALN Asset Leadership Forum – reStructuring America – continues to provide necessary information. See immediately below for a summary of Week 2. Look further below for the 4 fre...
ALN Español – ALN Th@4pm ET
Por primera vez en la historia de ALN, ALN Español presentará un diálogo en español para exponer la razón de su creación y de su importancia, y para analizar cómo el uso de la serie de normas ISO 55000 permite abordar la gestión del riesgo en las organizaciones públicas y privadas que quieran mejorar el valor derivado de sus activos. Se proporcionarán algunos casos de estudio para ilustrarlo.
In a first for the ALN, ALN Español will present an all-Spanish language dialogue addressing why the...
Healthcare Asset Leadership in 2020 and Beyond – 10/15
The COVID-19 Pandemic created the need for dramatic leadership changes that will continue for many years. What have we learned and how can it be leveraged? Learn how dynamic leadership and early adoption of ISO 55001 prepared University Health System, which is certified to ISO 55001, for the challenges of today and years to come. Hear from health care asset management experts and current and past VA Chief Engineers.
Speakers include:
Michael Roussos, Hosp...
reStructuring Federal Facility Asset Management – 10/14
Current advancements in federal facility asset management point to dramatic improvement based on systematic approaches and clear interpretation of existing policy.
Speakers include:
Ken Burgess, Executive Director, Assets and Logistics, Office of the Chief Readiness Support Officer, Department of Homeland Security Cameron Oskvig, National Academies, Federal Facilities Council, Director; Bill Brodt, Experimental Facilities Engineer, NASA; Jack Dempsey, ALN...
Pharmaceutical 4.0 Asset Management – 10/14
The pharmaceutical industry was required to incorporate planned improvements sooner than anticipated. Successes that can be replicated and issues to avoid can be transferred among industries.
Speakers include:
Bob Smith, CAI Principal Consultant, Asset Management and Reliability and ALN Senior Fellow; Mark Giuliani, ALN Senior Fellow, President, Giuliani Digital; Nick Kissel, Director, CMMS Data GroupNick ArmstrongMike Bordenaro, ALN Director of Communica...
Addressing Inequity through Asset Leadership – 10/13
Marc Morial, President of the National Urban League and former Mayor of New Orleans will begin a web event connecting asset leadership with the ability to resolve inequity and inequality.
Speakers include:
Marc Morial, President, National Urban League; Daniel Ortiz Plata, ALN Senior Fellow, President, Ortiz Ruiz Consultants;Eric Brown, ALN Senior Fellow and DHS, Director, Mobile Assets & Personal Property; Cecilia Mowatt, Esq., President, ...
Weekly Update from reStructuring America
ALN Director of Communications, Mike Bordenaro, goes through the agenda recapping the first week of the 2020 Asset Leadership Forum - reStructuring America.
ALN Newsletter October 12 2020
Follow this link for information on a web course focused on understanding and application of ISO 55000.
A new, 2-week course begins on 9 November 2020 to prepare people for the ALN 55K Professional Certification Exam starting 20 November 2020.This week's newsletter is a little different. It has two parts.
The first is a response to Lt. General (ret.) Russel Honore’s call for a “new model” to address disaster preparedness and resiliency. Genera...
Federal Asset Managers Session – ALN Th@4pm ET
Bob Leitch, ALN Senior Fellow is leading a panel with Chris Vick, Asset Management Director, U.S. Bureau of Reclamation (not pictured); Peter Dodgion, Asset Management Program Manager, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Civil Works; and Keith Hanigan, Deputy Assistant Secretary for Operations, Bureau of Administration, U.S. Department of State