ALN Newsletter 14 March 2022

This is another special Monday morning edition of the ALN Newsletter to celebrate the ALN 2022 Winter Summit: Sustainable Value Creation from Infrastructure Asset Leadership this Tuesday and Wednesday March 15 & 16 starting both days at 1 pm Eastern.  Tuesday 15 March1:00 pm Eastern – Keynote Program: Michigan Infrastructure Council2:00 pm Eastern – Continued discussion with other State and Local Executives3:00 pm Eastern – National Academy of Sciences Board on Infrastructure and th...

Learning from the City of Greater Geelong, Australia

Michelle Walker, City Manager, City of Greater Geelong, Australia will discuss balancing municipal needs with restricted federal, state, and local resources to achieve maximum value for citizens. Ms. Walker has focused on municipal asset management for the past 14 years after being a Senior Engineer in the Australian Department of Transport and Main Roads. She will discuss the success achieved with intentional federal and local asset management integration.

ALN Newsletter 8 March 2022

This is the 100th Edition of the ALN Newsletter. Thank for your support. It’s time to have a naming contest. Email suggestions to This week on ALN Th@3 Jim Dieter, ALN CEO and Mike Bordenaro, ALN Executive Director, talk about the content in 100 issues of the ALN Newsletter. Register at this link. Learning from the City of Greater Geelong, Australia - Tuesday 8 March at 3 pm Eastern - Michelle Walker, City Manager, City of Greater Geelong, Australia con...

How the U.S. can Benefit from International Approaches to Asset Management

Ashay Prabhu, Founder and President of Assetic by Dude Solutions, will describe and model proven infrastructure asset management strategic approaches that maximize financial value in Australia, Canada, United Kingdom, United States and elsewhere. The U.S. can consider this model when addressing IIJA fund distributions.

How to Achieve Long-Term Success with IIJA

Chris Vick, Asset Management Director, U.S. Bureau of Reclamation at the ALN 2021 Annual Event, “…(our 30-year) Asset Management Report was due to Congress in March 2021. The $1.4 billion Infrastructure Bill came out and Congress referenced the Asset Management Plan… They copied it word-for-word and took out our needs for the next five years…It is an opportunity to address all of our repair needs for the next 5 years. It is $3.2 billion.” https://youtu....

ALN Newsletter 28 February 2022

Special Monday Issue of the ALN Newsletter Today, Monday 28 February at 2 pm Eastern:How to Achieve Long-Term Success with IIJA  An ALN Roundtable with: Sita Egan, Infrastructure Investment and Management Branch Supervisor, Asset Management Division, at Bureau of Reclamation;Peter Dodgion, Asset Management Program Manager, USACE, Civil Works;Dan Mathews, Head of Federal Sales, WeWork; Former GSA Public Building Commissioner;Chris Roberts, PhD, Principal, Infrastructure and Project...

ALN Newsletter 22 February 2022

An Embarrassment of Programming Riches Now is the time to talk about and understand what is possible when asset leadership and asset management is linked to the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act. Don’t worry that you can’t attend everything we have scheduled for the next couple of months – we are recording everything and creating video highlights for you to share.  ALN February Roundtable: How to Achieve Long-Term Success with IIJAFebruary 28 at 2pm Eastern - Register at ...

ALN Newsletter 15 February 2022

The Value and Benefits from Asset Management web program this Wednesday 16 February 4pm - 5pm EST will feature presentations on the State of Victoria, Australia’s Financial Management Act Standing Direction 4.2.3 Asset Management Accountability (see below in Sources). There will also be an update on the Atlanta Airline Terminal Company’s recent expansion of its ISO 550001 recertification scope. Nicholas Phillips, Executive Director of MACE Consulting will describe Victoria’s success and Gary Me...

ALN Newsletter 8 February 2022

Australia’s Asset Management Council and the ALN continue our Value and Benefits from Asset Management web program featuring the State of Victoria, Australia’s asset management progress over the past 4 years and an update on the Atlanta Airline Terminal Company’s recent expansion of its ISO 550001 recertification scope. Nicholas Phillips, Executive Director of MACE Consulting will describe Victoria’s success and Gary Merrow, VP of Facilities for AATC will address the expanded scope at AATC. Wed...

ALN A55K Professionals 2022 Q1 Gathering

Asset Leadership Network
Newly appointed ALN Executive Director, Mike Bordenaro, talks about the year-round slate of programs being launched in 2022 and initiatives that are allowing the ALN to have a greater impact on the evolution of asset management and the emergence of asset leadership. Special Guest Jim Dieter, ALN CEO, provides a brief history of the ALN and ALN A55K Professional Certification. Mike Santos, an engineer who has been involved in asset management for most of this century and is a leader at a ...