U.S. Air Force Asset Leadership Update

The USAF is an ongoing a leader in the current asset management evolution because they always take the lead in utilizing the most advanced ways of working to bring back every pilot from every mission. The USAF has been generous in sharing its use of ISO 55000 and a structured approach to asset management to improve mission success. Hear about their latest achievements and how you might learn from them. Russell Weniger, Chief, Silver Branch, Installation Engineer Division, AFIMSC, USAF; Brend...

ALN Newsletter 26 October 2021

The second week of the 2021 ALN reStructuring America – Building on Success web conference was rich with clear understanding and actionable value realization opportunities. Below in Sources is a takeaway from each event with links to full recordings and ALN Highlight videos, such as this excellent highlight from Meighan Altwies, from Serco, on how she knows an organization has a good leader. Ideas provides suggestions on what to watch for from this week’s speakers. People focuses on Mary ...

ALN Español

ABS Quality Evaluations, miembro patrocinador de ALN, proporciona evaluaciones y certificaciones de sistemas de gestión en todo el mundo. Están certificando más organizaciones en América del Sur y Central que en los Estados Unidos. Parte de esto se debe a que algunos países requieren que ciertas industrias obtengan certificaciones, como ISO 55001. Este programa web en español mostrará los aspectos más destacados de la gestión de activos en América del Sur y Central. https://youtu.be/r4x6P...

ALN Newsletter 19 October 2021

Asset Leadership Network
The first week of the 2021 ALN reStructuring America – Building on Success web conference was a great success. There was discussion on the ability of an infrastructure bill to advance equity in the U.S.; the need for revamped Organizational Mission Statements; how federal personal property asset management can be improved; and how federal agency asset management plans are included in pending legislation. See videos of the full program and highlights at this link. The second week of programs,...

ALN Newsletter 9 March 2021

The ALN will facilitate a web panel discussion March 16th at 4 pm on the U.S. GAO 2021 High Risk Report Card that was released last week. See more below in Upcoming Events. Register at this link. For this week's ALN Th@4 pm ET March 11th, Cecilia Mowatt, President, Strategies In Site, Inc., an ALN Member Organization. Register at this link and, as usual, see more below in the People section. Ms. Mowatt suggested that we also feature Julieanna Richardson today in Ideas. ...

ALN Newsletter 2 March 2021

For this week's ALN Th@4 pm ET March 4, Bill Franklin, NPMA President, will be speaking with Jim Dieter, ALN, CEO. Register at this link and, as usual, see more below. Last week’s Spanish-language ALN Español webinar on the value of professional certification to the ISO 55000 series of standards was highly successful. The recording is available at this link. Please share with spanish-speaking colleagues. People ...

ALN Newsletter 23 February 2021

ALN Podcasts are now available at this link. For this week's ALN Th@4 on February 25,  Jennifer Tursi, Manager, Technical Committee Operations, ASTM International will be speaking with Mike Bordenaro, ALN, Director, Communications. Register at this link and, as usual, see more below. Below is information on the ALN Español webinar addressing professional certification on understanding of and use of ISO 55K on February 24, 6pm Eastern. Peo...

ALN Newsletter 16 February 2021

ALN Podcasts are now available at this link. For this week's ALN Th@4 on February 18,  Amber Propert, Property Accountability Specialist, U.S. Department of Defense will be speaking with Jim Dieter, ALN CEO. Register at this link and see more below. Below is information on the ALN Español webinar addressing professional certification on understanding of and use of ISO 55K on February 24, 6pm Eastern. People Amber Propert, P...

Webinario ALN Español: Certificación Profesional

Asset Leadership Network
Podcast LIVE Video Recording https://youtu.be/CBE0PXToEH8 Daniel Ortiz Plata, A55K, ALN Senior Fellow;  Cecilia Mowatt, Esq., A55K. President of ALN member organization Strategies In Site; and  Leonardo Pinilla, Advisory Director, Strategy Asset Management, Colombia. Liderazgo "sin paradigmas" en la gestión de activos, ¡empieza con usted! ¿Cuáles son sus paradigmas?¿Cuáles son las competencias del líder de gestión de activos?¿Cómo ...

ALN Español – ALN Th@4pm ET

restructuring america
Por primera vez en la historia de ALN, ALN Español presentará un diálogo en español para exponer la razón de su creación y de su importancia, y para analizar cómo el uso de la serie de normas ISO 55000 permite abordar la gestión del riesgo en las organizaciones públicas y privadas que quieran mejorar el valor derivado de sus activos. Se proporcionarán algunos casos de estudio para ilustrarlo. In a first for the ALN, ALN Español will present an all-Spanish language dialogue addressing why the...