Newsletter 8 November 2022

ALN Th@3 pm ET on October 10th will feature Shirley Ben-Dak, CEO & Founder at Bird-Eye Consulting and Vice President of Strategy & Innovation at the Smart Water Network Forum (SWAN). Advancing Outcomes with Asset Leadership is a month of web programs starting December 1, 2022. We will start with a special hour-long edition of ALN Th@3 pm ET featuring ALN Board Chair Jim Dieter, and ALN Board Members Jack Kelly and Jack Dempsey discussing documents that help leaders set policy, establ...

Video Highlight of the Week

In this 35-second highlight, Hugh Sinclair, Division Manager, Asset Management for WSSC Water, makes a clear and concise argument that properly incorporated asset management is about gathering information and presenting it for stakeholders to make a decision. In this manner, it is possible to trace why asset management decisions were made, understand the desired outcomes determined by the stakeholders, and have a basis for evaluating results. Simple and clear...but not easy.  https://y...

Learning from the City of Greater Geelong, Australia

Michelle Walker, City Manager, City of Greater Geelong, Australia will discuss balancing municipal needs with restricted federal, state, and local resources to achieve maximum value for citizens. Ms. Walker has focused on municipal asset management for the past 14 years after being a Senior Engineer in the Australian Department of Transport and Main Roads. She will discuss the success achieved with intentional federal and local asset management integration.

How the U.S. can Benefit from International Approaches to Asset Management

Ashay Prabhu, Founder and President of Assetic by Dude Solutions, will describe and model proven infrastructure asset management strategic approaches that maximize financial value in Australia, Canada, United Kingdom, United States and elsewhere. The U.S. can consider this model when addressing IIJA fund distributions.

How to Achieve Long-Term Success with IIJA

Chris Vick, Asset Management Director, U.S. Bureau of Reclamation at the ALN 2021 Annual Event, “…(our 30-year) Asset Management Report was due to Congress in March 2021. The $1.4 billion Infrastructure Bill came out and Congress referenced the Asset Management Plan… They copied it word-for-word and took out our needs for the next five years…It is an opportunity to address all of our repair needs for the next 5 years. It is $3.2 billion.” https://youtu....