California Education District’s use of Kahua’s Project Management Information Systems – ALN Th@3

Cherie Chenoweth has been at San Juan Unified School District for more than 20 years and has been responsible for multi-delivery procurement methods, developed and created cash flows for bond tracking and sales for three bonds equating to $1.2 billion. In her current position as Coordinator of Facilities Business & Compliance, overseeing fiscal and purchasing for construction, M&O and custodial, she is a driver of ensuring buildings are delivered properly at the District. The Distri...

Line-of-Sight Newsletter 25 March 2025

The National Property Management Association is wrapping up the March Asset Management Awareness Month with programs to help federal executives be prepared for uncertain sale of assets. See more below in Ideas. You can join us this afternoon, Tuesday 25 March, at 3 pm ET to discuss the book “Nexus: A Brief History of Information Networks from the Stone Age to AI.” (Even if you haven’t read the book, you will be enlightened by the discussion.) Join us at this link. ALN Th@3 p...

“Nexus” by Harari, ALN Book Club Preview – ALN Th@3

Jim Dieter, ALN Chair and CEO will lead discussions on “Nexus: A Brief History of Information Networks from the Stone Age to AI" by Yuval Noah Harari. Mr. Dieter says the book provides important new ways to think about information, networks, documents, bureaucracy, and more issues that are extremely relevant for asset leadership and asset management. Join us hereTuesday 25 Marchat 3pm Eastern: Zoom Meeting Syllabus Guidelines & Expectations ...

Line-of-Sight Newsletter 11 March 2025

One way to think about Digital Twins is that they are virtual representations of your actual assets . . . perhaps think about them as Virtual Assets. However you think about Digital Twins, you can benefit from the National Institute of Building Science' web series on the subject. See more below in Sources. This week's ALN Th@3 will explain why the upcoming ALN Book Club Discussion series is focused on "Nexus: A Brief History of Information Networks from the Stone Age to AI" by Yuri ...

Bridge and Public Infrastructure Asset Management – ALN Th@3

ALN Th@3 pm ET this week will address the false dichotomy of “We can’t afford to maintain our bridges.” We can’t afford not to. ALN Senior Fellows and guests will address the anniversary of the Key Bridge collapse and the Pittsburgh Fern Hallow Bridge in a panel on solutions to the challenge of maintaining public infrastructure. Panelists: - Marty Rowland, PhD, ALN Senior Fellow - Rich Culbertson, ALN Senior Fellow & Board of Directors Member - David Totman, Founder & CEO at WaterVe...

Line-of-Sight Newsletter 4 March 2025

David McKeown, long-time stalwart of the Institute of Asset Management asks us to "Look away from the madness, for a moment! This is what our world actually needs - we absolutely can choose this! This is the long term I choose. With me?" See more about his recent Linkedin post below in Ideas, which also includes information about ALN A55K Professional Certification Training from the Andrew James Advisory Group. ALN Th@3 pm ET this week will address the false dichotomy of "We can't afford...

Rick Justis, Executive Director of the Coalition for Smarter Buildings – ALN Th@3

There are times to plant a flag in the calendar and say, “From this day forward things were different.” February 11, 2025, was such a day. That is when the Linux Foundation announced the acquisition of the Coalition for Smarter Buildings (C4SB) so it could be the entry into solving building industry operating system issues was such a date. Rick Justis, C4SB Executive Director, joins us this week to discuss the implications of the acquisition for not only facility asset management, but a...

Line-of-Sight Newsletter 25 February 2025

Big actions often create big results. However, sometimes small initiatives ramp up to become very large. This week, one of those seemingly small initiatives was announced by the Linux Foundation at the ASHRAE winter conference. The Linux Foundation will acquire the Coalition for Smarter Buildings (C4SB). The non-profit C4SB will now become a Foundation and will provide the "umbrella" code and processes for Linux operating systems to connect to assets in real estate and buildings. The ALN an...

Line-of-Sight Newsletter 18 February 2025

Big actions often create big results. However, sometimes small initiatives ramp up to become very large. This week, one of those seemingly small initiatives was announced by the Linux Foundation at the ASHRAE winter conference. The Linux Foundation will acquire the Coalition for Smarter Buildings (C4SB). The non-profit C4SB will now become a Foundation and will provide the "umbrella" code and processes for Linux operating systems to connect to assets in real estate and buildings. The ALN an...