Demystifying Standards and Certifications – 10/8 – 1pm Eastern

restructuring america
Organizational and professional certifications are critical core components to dramatic mission success and increased value from assets. Understand how to incorporate the best means for your organization’s success. Speakers include: Rhys Davies, Global Consulting Leader for Asset Management at Atkins and Chair of ISO 55000 Committee TC251;Jennifer Tursi, Manager, Technical Committee Operations, ASTM International. Rich Culbertson, ALN Senior Fellow and ...

Steve Carlin – ALN Th@4pm ET Register for ALN Th@4 Video Recordings Chats with industry leadersInteractive presentations from innovatorsTimely panelsand other informative formats Every Thursday at 4 pm Eastern we will put a light on important and relevant asset leadership and asset management topics. The flexible format will feature thought leaders and influencers from around the world. The programs will address pending legislation, review asset management di...

Nick Knoke – 3 Climbing Adventures

Nick is the ALN Technical Director, and Producer of the ALN Th@4 program of informal, online chats every Thursday at 4 pm Eastern. 3) A Picture is Worth 1000 Words ...and this drone footage is worth 1 million! Nick Knoke sport climbing a 5.12b in Wyoming's Wind River Range I can't imagine a better way to celebrate the end of summer... ...than driving down one of the roughest roads, cooking and camping out with good friends, and climbing the route W...

Nick Knoke – Climbing the Grand Teton

Nick is the ALN Technology Manager and Producer of the ALN Th@4 online program of informal, online chats every Thursday at 4 pm Eastern. Daniel is a good friend and an excellent adventure partner.  We have gone on some of the most far-out, epic adventures I could imagine because he consistently suggests things that I would probably never think of, because they seem too big, too challenging, too scary.  But, Daniel is a master of the mountains - he has almost 20 years experienc...