Demystifying Standards and Certifications – 10/8 – 1pm Eastern

restructuring america
Organizational and professional certifications are critical core components to dramatic mission success and increased value from assets. Understand how to incorporate the best means for your organization’s success. Speakers include: Rhys Davies, Global Consulting Leader for Asset Management at Atkins and Chair of ISO 55000 Committee TC251;Jennifer Tursi, Manager, Technical Committee Operations, ASTM International. Rich Culbertson, ALN Senior Fellow and ...

ALN Newsletter September 16 2020

Keynote speakers, presenters and panelists are being asked to address asset management inequity and inequality when they participate in reStructuring America. Art Kurland, ALN Senior Fellow, says, “Just using ISO 55000 addresses inequality and inequity". Kurland is Director of Capital and Asset Management at University Health System, the first health care institution with ISO 55000 certification. Register for web events from October 6 – 22 below: Register Now ALN Th@4 – this Thu...