Carrie Heishman – ALN Th@4 Carrie Heishman is a Senior Program Manager with Definitive Logic and is SAMP Theme Lead for the ISO Working Group Updating ISO 55001 in the United States. She has worked on U.S. Department of Defense contracts for more than 10 years. For Definitive Logic, Ms. Heishman works on large federal programs for the U.S. Army, Environmental Protection Agency, and Department of Transportation. Early in her career, Ms. Heishman worked at Booz...

Tim Ingram – ALN Th@4 Tim Ingram is Atkins’ Technical Director of Strategic Asset Management and the UK Chair of the Mirror Committee to ISO 55000 (AMS/01). Mr. Ingram has a Mechanical Engineering degree with Honors from the University of Liverpool and has been a consultant with Thornton Tomasetti, NUKEM Technologies and others before joining Atkins. He has worked in multiple industries, including Oil & Gas, before focusing on infrastructure at Atkin...