This week’s ALN Th@4 on May 27th will feature a chat with Malak Bahrami, PE, CPPS, who is Asset Manager at Virginia’s Fairfax County Park Authority, and Jim Dieter, ALN CEO . As always, see more below in People and register at this link.
The "Equity through Innovative Asset Management" webcast with former Maryland Governor Martin O'Malley on May 25, 4 pm Eastern will also feature Cecilia Mowatt, Esq., A55K. Ms. Mowatt is Co-Chair of the ALN Advancing Equity Asset Leadership Committ...
tim luzano
ALN Newsletter 18 May 2021
This week’s ALN Th@4 pm ET on May 20th will feature a chat with Tacoma and Jennifer Zach, co-founders of Uberlytics and MentorAMP conducted by Mike Bordenaro, ALN Director, Communications. As always, see more below in People and register at this link.
The "Equity through Innovative Asset Management" webcast with former Maryland Governor Martin O'Malley on May 25, 4 pm Eastern will also feature Grant Thornton's Tim Luzano who will be presenting publicly available transit information from a ma...
Equity through Innovative Asset Management

Equity Through Innovative Asset Management
Thank you to those of you who attended the "Equity through Innovative Asset Management" program. Our Keynote speaker Governor Martin O'Malley provided exceptional leadership insights, verbal case studies and poignant anecdotes from his time as Mayor of Baltimore and Governor of Maryland.
He emphasized the ability of technology to greatly enhance understanding of inequity and the ability to show the path to equity.
ALN Newsletter 11 May 2021
Former Maryland Governor Martin O’Malley will address the ALN on Tuesday 25 May at 4 pm Eastern in a web program titled, “Equity through Innovative Asset Management.” Thank you to ALN Member Organization Grant Thornton for arranging the web program. Register at this link and see more in People below.
This week’s ALN Th@4 pm ET May 13th will feature a chat with Professor Annette Kampf-Dern and Jim Dieter, ALN ALN CEO. As always, see more below in People and register at this link.