ALN engages the executive function of organizations to initiate and enhance a management systems approach to increase asset value to stakeholders.
This was demonstrated to executives of the U.S. Federal Government and contractors in the ALN 2021 National Issues Series. Program recordings are available at this link.
Starting with established U.S. evaluations by the U.S. Government Accountability Office and the American Society of Civil Engineers, the ALN then followed with commentary a...
U.s. gao
U.S. GAO High Risk List
Posted on by Nick Knoke
Every 2 years for decades, the GAO has issued a High Risk List — those federal programs that are at highest risk of fraud, waste, abuse, or mismanagement. Federal asset management has been on that list for 18 years in the form of federal real property management. It’s still on the list this year, but it is not a broken record. This year, GAO removed one of the four areas from the list while another area regressed a little. What...